Chapter one

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~Alice Pov~
If there is one thing I've learnt about living in modern day London, it's that no one likes anyone willing to start fights. It is just not our style here, we prefer to go with the flow, and to just rock out. So why in the hell was I getting involved with some wannabe hippie?! It didn't make sense at all for me. I guess I would understand more if I didn't spend most of my days getting blown off my arse.

"Honestly, gay people should not have rights! Why is our government even considering it?!" A random yelled towards me. I had spoke against her ignorant behavior, which a lot of people thought or supported. How can people be this way!? It is the 20th century for goodness sake. "You probably support it because you are one of them" she spat. "I was just saying that , the negative behavior you are giving  doesn't show our values as citizens of the UK. It's not that deep, just let people do whatever they want" I said calmly. The woman was obviously not liking my response and just walked away.

The date is February 1967, a happy time in modern day England, but also an ignorant time for some. Talk of decriminalizing homosexuality has been the hype lately, but who knows if anything will happen. "Getting into another argument I see, when will you learn that sometimes you should not say anything" I turned to the voice seeing Amelia standing there shaking her head. "Oh please, you of all people can never keep their mouths shut" I laughed.

As we walked out the market, Amelia kept shaking her head at me. "What is it?" I asked confused. "We should go out more, well, you should at least. Look! My co worker gave me these cool tickets to a concert, I think you should go" she smiled. "Alone?" I asked confused and she just nodded. "Sure, I was going to go by myself but I think you should, I mean it will be great for you to get out more" she said with a smile. "I do not know, you just moved here, wouldn't you want to do something fun in London?" I asked.

"I do something new and fun everyday, plus I'm thinking I might take a trip back to America to see my sister. Ever since the Civil Rights Act was placed , she has been having problems with people fighting in her pottery store. She has had to kick out a lot of white people for saying something to another customer. So , I think maybe I should visit to make sure she is alright" Amelia stated.

She took out the ticket showing me, shoving it into my hands. I looked at the performer and looked at Amelia annoyed. "The Beatles?" I asked. "Yes! Don't you like them?!" She asked excited. "What? I mean I do! They are amazing; It is just odd that it's them" I said confused. "Almost as if this was planned" I said looking to her. However, she acted as if I was being crazy. "Wow look at the time, I've got to go home! My bus will leave soon" she laughed looking at her watch. So it was planned, of course she planned it! Amelia is just that type of person, someone who cares.

"Alright then, bye" I said waving at her as she tried to hurry away. She was sweet but unbelievable, I just hope she will calm down a bit over me. I am completely sane and fine and I made it this far in life.

That night as I sat on my apartment sofa I couldn't help but open my balcony window to look outside. The ticket was between my fingers as I thought about everything around me. She is right, I really do need to get out more, this will most likely be a good thing for me. "Gosh Amelia, you sure do act more like a sister than a friend" I said out loud. I placed my chin on my palm and took a deep breath in.....and then out. "I really need to date someone too, people will think I'm a witch for being single at twenty three" I laughed out loud.

I'm still in school and it's not a focus, but my dear old mother will not be pleased when I visit her in France empty handed. It is like I don't attract men , I mean I dress nice! What else is there? Maybe I should ask Amelia for fashion advise, she seems to always be in the fashion trends lately. I should also try and make new friends, once Amelia visits her sister in the colonies, I will be alone all the way over here, how sad.

I walked back inside my apartment to drink my nighttime tea and I began to get this miserable feeling that I probably wasn't an interesting person. Maybe I focus too much on school? Men don't really like smart women, how silly. I looked to when the concert was, and I saw it was tomorrow night! Why the hell would Amelia not tell me this important information?! Well I suppose I should have checked it. I stood up from my seat and started to walk towards my closet. "Great! Now I have to find something to wear, no one likes a badly dressed girl" I laughed as a joke. As if I cared what people thought of me.

I'll have to make sure my hair was nice as well. "Great!!! Look what it is doing to me!!!" I was being extremely silly ,but I guess I was just excited about going out. As well as the possibility of meeting someone other than Amelia. I smiled at the thought and began to squeal quietly so my neighbors would not here my excitement. Finally taking a breath, I just kept thinking how Tomorrow night will be the greatest night of my life by far.

Thanks for reading so far 💖
This is my new book !!! Yay

Swinging sixties(NYOFrUK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora