Chapter Fifteen

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~Francine pov~

I was sitting in a lobby with a bunch of other women when I over heard some of them talking "yeah the new one that came was the first to have shock this week" they whispered. I walked up to them and started to ask about what they were talking about. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "Well one of the new girls went through conversion therapy this morning, she should be out here soon though" one of them said and I felt my soul leave my body. Maybe it is a different new girl that happens to just be going through it.

The doors slammed open and in came a bunch of doctors. They were surrounding a patient , dragging her almost. Her feet were sliding on the ground as if she couldn't walk or just refused to. The pulled her onto a chair and her body slumped over. When the doctors suspended, leaving the room , I was able to finally get a glimpse of the girl. She had long blonde hair and light gentle skin. Her glasses were stuffed into her cardigan pocket and I felt my legs give out.  "Hey , are you okay?" Some of the girls tried to shake me .

I ignored their calls and crawled over to Alice with tears in my eyes. "Alice?" I cried lifting her face up to see me. She had saliva dropping down her lips and black circles on parts of her head. Her eyes were rolling back and it looked like she was dead. How was she still alive? I did not understand. I started to cry and pulled her out of her chair so she could rest on my lap. "Please snap out of it, I need you" I cried and pushed her hair out of her face.

"If you can hear me, it is me Francine,  I love you and I need you to pull through, for both of us. You can not give up now , you need to survive, for me at least." I placed my forehead on hers and started crying as someone came up to me. "Did you know her or something?" The young girl asked. She was probably at least 16 or 17. "She was my girlfriend before this" I said confidently with tears in my eyes. "Ahhh another couple , listen , you are both new here but I promise it will get better. You just have to do everything they say" the girl smiled sadly.

I sniffled and looked at her as she sat next to Alice. "You are young, why are you here?" I asked. "Ahhhhh, now that is a long story. My name is Daisy , my family sent me all the way here , away from Italy and away from my sister. They found out I was seeing a girl from my school. Her name was Monika and she was just perfect. But anyway, you need to just keep going , you just gotta follow the rules" she said sadly.

She was just a kid , and it's sucked more. She smiled looking at Alice and took out a water bottle and let her drink some from. "Thank you" I cried looking at her. I held Alice close to me and just kept looking at her, hoping she would snap out of it. "What do you think you are doing ?" A nurse came in looking at Daisy and I near Alice. "Something is wrong, she needs medical attention" I cried.  The nurse walked to us and pulled me away from Alice. Luckily Daisy was there to catch her head and place it on her lap.

"You are not supposed to be near her" the nurse snapped. "Please, she needs help" I cried. The nurse pushed me across the floor so hard that I slid. "Put her in isolation for a week" the nurse yelled. Soon a two guards came towards me and pulled each of my arms and started to drag me towards the door. "No!!! Please!!! Alice needs me!!" I cried. I had to watch as the nurse pulled Daisy away from Alice too  and I felt so many emotions that I could not explain. The two men brought me into a dark room and I had no idea what to do.  It was too risky to break out of here. I knew better to just stay out till the week was over, I just hope Alice will  be alright. I held my knees together and tried to have happy thoughts.

~~~~May 27 1967~~~~~~

Since the first time I was out in isolation , they made sure to make it difficult to get to Alice. However, I never gave up. I may have gotten into a lot of trouble because of it , but who cares, I was going to see Alice if it killed me. Daisy was allowed to be around Alice so that is how Alice and I communicated with each other. We would always write letters to each other . Although it worked, it couldn't give me what I wanted, which was to hold Alice in my arms. There's rumors that England will be passing a law to legalize same sex activities in private. If that law gets passed, Alice and I , and every single girl in this facility are free to go home since by law it would not be considered a disease or illness. Not only that, but this "hospital" would be shut down.

"How is she?" I asked Daisy
"She is great, always asks about you too"
"Can you give this to her?"
"Of course, you do not need to ask.... also she wanted to give this to you. Some of the other girls were allowed to take pictures" Daisy handed me a picture of Alice and I wanted to cry. "Thank you" I cried.
"No need to cry, let's just hope that bill gets passed so we can get out of here" she said with a smile. I will have her in my arms again , I just know it.


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