Chapter three

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"So how was America?" I smiled. I looked to Amelia who just plopped herself down on my sofa. "Ignorant as ever" she breathed out in an exhausted way. "How was your sister?" I asked curiously. "She is good, she wants to take a break from her shop so she is taking a leave" Amelia said closing her eyes. Leaning her head back on the sofa. I took a seat beside her and started to drink my tea. "Let's go out tonight" she jumped up with a smile. "Tonight? Are you sure? You aren't tired?"

"No, it will be fine! Let's do it! I know a great dance club we can go to. No worries though! I will pay for everything! Just look amazing and hot! We are going to look for some guys tonight!" She laughed. Amelia jumped up , taking her suitcase and running into my guest bedroom to get dressed. I stood up from my seat and slowly walked into my bedroom. I don't even really have anything nice I could wear. Well I do, but for this occasion I'm not sure.

"I have it! The perfect dress for you!" Amelia shouted. She showed me this beautiful floral dress that I just could not refuse to wear. "Are you sure?" I asked confused. "Of course!!! Now hurry and but it's on so we can leave! I want to get my dance on" she laughed loudly. She threw the dress at me and I reached to get it quickly so it wouldn't fall on the floor. "Now hurry" she smiled.

Arriving to the dance club, it was obvious how popular by how many people were there. "It looks like we have to be important to get into there" I said looking to her. I shook my head and stopped where I was to talk. "Do not even worry about it, I know some people who work here" she smiled which made me only get worried on who she would know working at the dance club.

We continued to walk to the front of the entrance and naturally I began to feel nervous, as if everyone was staring at us. "Tell my girl Daisy her girl Amelia is here" she said looking to the man at the door. He then nodded and talked to someone on his box thing. "Alright, you are good to go" he said looking back to us. I felt so shocked that I really had no words for her. "Uhhhhhh who is Daisy?" I asked confused. "She is the owner ....also I went to school with her" she laughed.

Walking in , the blaring sound of "The Monkees" playing , as well as the sight of hip Go-Go dancers was surreal to me. "Wow, this is insane" I cheered shocked and excited.  We both walked closer to the front stage where people played and I never felt so alive. "Wait here while I get us something to drink" Amelia smiled. I nodded at her as I kept jamming out to the music playing. The vibrant colors, and flower power was all I needed to stay sane at the moment. 

I felt someone bump me and I immediately turned to look. "Oh dear! I'm so sorry" the voice said in a thick accent. "No worries, I was in the way" I said looking up to the woman. My eyes widened so much that they would have popped out of my eye sockets. "Hey!!! It's you! The girl that got kicked out! The one that saved me"she smiled. "Ahhh right!! Francine....?"I asked slowly and unsure.

"Yes! And you are Alice! I was hoping I would magically run into you somehow to thank you properly but this is just as fine" she giggled sweetly. She was so pretty, I wish I could be that stunning. "Hey, let's sit and talk, I would love to get to know you" she smiled.  I nodded and followed her to one of the side bars so we could talk. She had beautiful dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. The most french person I have ever met oddly enough. Although she was taller than me , I still liked those Go-Go boots she had on. The white dress she had on was just above her lower thigh and believe me when I say that it was the first time something has ever excited me on sight.

"You are from France?" I asked.
"Was it the accent" she asked laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too , just to break the awkwardness. "Yes...I suppose" I said nervously. She placed her chin on the palm of her hand and stared at me. I couldn't help but mess around with my drink from her glance. "Are you here alone?" She asked. I shook my head and pointed to the crowd. "I came with a friend of mine, she just arrived from America and wanted to go out"

"Ahhh, a lively one. You do not seem to really enjoy going out"
"Oh! I do sometimes, but I hate being alone by myself. Actually, the day of the concert I was alone, so I'm sure you can imagine how nervous I was"
"Oh yes, I can imagine." 

"Alice! There you are ! I was wondering where you were-." Amelia stopped to stare at Francine and I as we did the same to her. "Oh ! You were so quick to replace me!" She said pretending to cry. "No! It's not like that, we met awhile ago while you were gone and we had to catch up with each other" I laughed.

"I was just thanking her for saving my life" Francine smiled. "You saved her life? Wow! That's new" Amelia laughed. "I must go, but here's my number, maybe we can meet somewhere else that's not a dance club" Francine giggles. "Yes! That would be groovy" I smiled. She was so beautiful in every way , so how could I refuse to see her again. "Great! Talk to you soon" she smiled getting up from her seat, waving a goodbye.


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