Chapter Five

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"So tell me more about yourself" I smiled placing my chin on the palm of my hand. She immediately started to fidget and turn red. It was so attractive, I just wanted to kiss that embarrassed face of hers.what do you want to know?" She asked. "Anything!! I want to know everything about you" I smiled. "Oh....well, if I'm going to be honest,  I have been feeling pressure to date men" she started. "Well, do you like men?" I asked. Her face grew pale as she nodded quickly "of course! They are the greatest" she said looking away.

"Then why do you feel pressure?" I asked. "'s my family. You see: I'm  25, I'm not married, I'm single, I have no kids, and I just work. They are worried about me" she said sadly. "So what?! You are your own woman ! Just do what makes you happy. That's what I've been doing and I am fantastic" I smiled. "I wish it were that easy"

My smile dropped and I held her hand a little. "Look, it is okay to be scared, but do not feel like you have to do these things for other people. Always do what's best for you, and I know you will not regret a thing" I smiled. She started to smile slowly as well and my heart began to feel so happy. Although I just watched her suddenly yell at someone, it only made me attracted to her even more. I do not know how to explain the attraction.

"So what do you do?" I asked. " I work as a shop assistant at "Zen Lemon" a store not too far from here" she laughed nervously. "Wow, that sounds interesting, I should stop by sometime. I mean, I have only been living in England for a year so I have not really seen much" I laughed. "What do you do?" She asked. "Well, I mostly work at the dance clubs as a Go-Go dancer, not really the best profession, but I get paid" I smiled.

"You do a great job at it too. I wish I could just dance like you, to just feel the music , it would be so cool" she smiled. Gosh this woman was a beauty in every aspect. From her blonde short hair , her small frame, her freckles and beautiful green eyes. It was like I was staring into a field of grass staring into her eyes. "Francine?" She called waving a hand in front of my face.

SHIT!!! I was dazing off "oh yes , I'm sure you would be great, you do have a great figure if I may add, the guys will be on top of you all the time. Maybe it will help you meet someone" I said nervously. Maybe if I dressed as a guy? Would she love me? "Thank you" she blushed a bit.

"Hey , maybe sometime we could watch some films? I hear there have been a lot of cool musicals released in the past" she suggested. "Do you like musicals?" I asked. "Oh yes! They really make me wish my life was a musical and that I can sing my way out of problems. They make love look so easy, me on the other hand.... I can't even get a number"

"You got mine" I smiled in a joking way. "I know....but I really don't connect with guys, I do not know why either. But the fact remains that musicals make it look easy, therefore I want to live in a musical world" she said seriously. "It sounds groovy" I smirked.

"It's nice to see people using great slang of all time" she laughed "would you have preferred me say "bitchin"?" I asked joking. "Not at all" she laughed. I took a sandwich and ate it slowly, soon feeling disgust for down my throat. It was terrible, how did she manage to mess up a sandwich? Although that was the case, I didn't have the heart to tell her. So I just smiled and continued to eat it. I soon started to stare at her a little. The flowers on her dress, her long socks and boots just made her look even more stunning than I had realized before. "So what musical did you have in mind?" I asked. Her eyes sparkled as a smiled slowly appeared on her lips. "Only the greatest in the decade" she cheered.

"Which is?" I asked. "West Side Story! A tale of forbidden love! Like Romeo and Juliet, but in America" she said looking off into space. "Ahhh! I hear that one is a knock out! I would be totally down to watch it." I smiled. I really wasn't into musicals because I hardly saw any good ones, but if this one made her happy, I would watch it over and over with her. "How about next week?" She asked.

"Next week, is great! I would love to come over" I smiled. I could tell that she had a strong soul and was trying hard to be friends. I feel that if I were to scare her even a little, she will throw down her walls and never pick them up for me. "Are you in love with someone?" I asked. She looked to me and her smile faded.

"I don't think I have ever really been in love with anyone. They say finding the right one helps, but I have gone twenty five years without finding anyone. Maybe there is something wrong with me? I am not sure, but I know one day it will happen" she smiled in a dreamy way. If only she were dreaming of me, only then would I be the happiest woman on earth.

I kept staring at her with a smile as she finished eating her food. I hope I didn't look creepy , but I really have never met anyone like her. She wanted answers for the way she was feeling. However I knew the simple answer she did not want to accept. The signs were there, and my gay vibes were going off when I was around her. She really didn't like men, she very much liked women, but didn't know how to come to terms with it. Maybe , she will one day be comfortable with it, to share her feelings with me.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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