Chapter Eleven

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The next day... as planned, I arrived to her house at seven in the evening. I knocked on the door as usual and waited for her to answer. I was a little nervous but I'm sure we were just going to be talking about what happened, and what our next moves were going to be.  If we were found out, we could possibly get electrical shock therapy! I have only heard rumors about it being done on women since men were mostly targeted for discrimination, but who knows what they would do to us.  Out of nervousness , I knocked on the door again and waited for Alice.

Out of some mysterious life form that granted my wishes, Alice opened the door with a smile on her face.....however, it was not the only thing she was wearing. "What!!!!!! Are!!!" I yelled shocked and she immediately covered my mouth. Her arm reached to grab me , and she pulled me into her home, pinning me to the front entrance. "Alice....what are you wearing?" I asked getting flustered. She had black lingerie on with her hair down.... which I was starting to get really attracted to her long hair. "Oh come on, no one will see me"

"They will if you answer the door that way" I said trying not to look directly at her. Where did all this confidence come from? She was not always like this. "Shhhh, don't worry, I'll make you feel good" she whispered trailing her hand down. "Whooaaaaaaaa" I quickly stopped her and looked her dead in the eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked confused. "I was just..."

"You don't have to do all that,  I don't wouldn't want to rush anything you aren't comfortable with" I said looking to her. She started to look embarrassed and I felt bad. It wasn't that I didn't want to do that stuff with her, it was more of wanting to make sure that she was definitely comfortable with it. "Oh I see..." she said softly. I grabbed her hand and led her to the sofa so we could take a seat. "Are you sure you want to?" I asked her.  We looked to each other slowly and I saw she nodded her head. I scooted closer and held her cheek in the palm of my hand. "Alright then" I smiled.

I came in to kiss her and it was magical of course. I felt so connected to her and all I wanted was for her to be happy and to feel good. I started to softly push her down so that I was on top. "I thought I was going to be the one to top" she separated and  started to pout. "Over my dead body" I laughed kissing her some more. It was nice to be like this with her, but I knew deep down we could never actually be together.

~May 27 1967 ~
I was always paranoid being in public with Alice, afraid that someone would be suspicious of us and report us to authorities. We weren't not officially together but we sure were more than just friends. We keep it that way to protect the both of us. Amelia has not come around since the incident and naturally Alice was started to get worried about her friend. With June approaching , there had begun a spike in conversion therapy on gay men. It was probably because there was talk of a new bill that would be introduced in England that deals with homosexuality.

I know that technically it is not really illegal for women to be together but there is a lot of hate towards us and anyone really. There is a conversion therapy asylum for women on the outskirts of England and I would not like to find out about it. I wouldn't know what to do if Alice and I were to be separated like that. I hear the women doctors there are ruthless. I would always get shivers thinking about it. "Come. In Alice let's look at the other stores" I smiled pulling her.  I instinctively grabbed her hand to pull her and noticed a man staring , it made me uncomfortable and I let go to pull Alice by the arm.

"Are you okay?" Alice asked.
"Yes of course"
"It just did not seem that way, is something bothering you?"
"No! I promise! I'm fine" I laughed nervously. She could read me like an open book. As she started to look at some more clothes , I stared at her admiringly and smiled. "What is with that face?" She asked laughing. "Oh nothing, I am just mesmerized by the most beautiful woman in the world. Her cheeks got flushed and she shook her head looking away. "You are so embarrassing"

My smile started to go away as I tried to think of actual consequences for women who were to be together. I mean it isn't illegal for us, only for men. Maybe Alice and I could be together? I leaned onto her and started to caress her hair "what if we kissed in front of everyone?" I asked and she looked to me quickly. "Are you stupid?!" She asked. "Well...I mean , it isn't illegal, what could they do to us?" I asked. Alice moves away from me and stared angry "two words!! Conversion. Therapy."

She moved to look at more clothes and I was speechless. "Yeah, I guess you might be right" I shrugged. "Let's go, I didn't find anything" Alice shrugged. "Plus , I think it might start raining" Alice said holding her hand out. "Yeah you are right, let's hurry and get home" I smiled. We both started to walk towards the direction of the home of Alice. "I have this new tea we can try , with some sweets, what do you say?" She asked sweetly. The thought made me feel warm inside, all I could do was respond with a nod. "Great! Maybe I'll cook some dinner for both of us too" she suggested. "That would be lovely"

Thanks for reading so far 💖

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