Chapter Two

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"This looks like the venue" I whispered to myself. There was a lot of people so it was pretty much a dead give away. I walked up to the line and waited for my turn to give the ticket lady my ticket to punch. It seemed like it was a small concert by how many people were there. I mean The Beatles are very popular,but maybe this concert was limited? That would mean these tickets are extremely expensive. I shook my head at the thought and just waited my turn to get into the venue.

As I waited in line , I could hear all sorts of chatter about what the show was going to be like. "I heard that the group was against there being any Go-Go dancers, but the people who owned the place told them it was all or nothing" one person said making me confused. Why would any group take that kind of heat, especially the famous Beatles. I wonder what actually happened.

Once they started to let people in the venue , I waited for it to be my turn because I was terrified I was going to be trampled by other excited people. "Ticket?!" The man at the door spoke. I showed him my ticket and he immediately punched a whole in it, soon handing it back to me. I feel like a loser going to this concert by myself. Walking into the building it smelled as if there were a bunch of pot heads in here, but that figures.

I looked around the room and it seemed a bit crowded. "Alright, if everyone can get ready for the groovy band TTTTTTTHHHHHHHHHEEEEE. BBBBEEEEAAATTTLLLEEES" the announcer called Louder. That is when the music started and I nearly fainted when I saw the iconic group standing in front of me.  A smile began to form on my face as I watched them sing in front of me! I won't ever forget this moment.  That is when I finally saw one of those girls they were talking about outside. It was a real life Go-Go dancer, and they were stunning of course. I wouldn't never be able to pull off those boots combined with that miniskirt.

I walked closer to the front to get closer to the girls and just listen to the music. They were so loose and carefree, and so beautiful. I was sweating to the music and watched the dancers smile in joy as they danced.  "Watch it!!" Someone yelled. I turn around quickly to see a man push another man away from him. As the other man was shocked once he hit the table behind him. There was a dancer on there who luckily caught her balance and began dance again. However, those men were not through with each other, soon they started to push each other.

"Hey calm down, we are at a concert, you are ruining it" I said walking closer to them. "Yeah, well this guy won't leave me alone" one of the men said pushing the other guy once more. My eyes widened as the table began to wobble again, making the dancer quickly loose her balance. "Oh my!!"

By instinct, I held my arms out for the woman to land in, and it hurt really badly. "Are you okay?" I asked shocked looking at the woman. Her eyes were a beautiful blue, and she too was shocked as I was. "Oui......" she whispered. She was still in my arms as we stared at each other for a long time.

I soon finally helped her onto her feet and soon noticed she was way taller than me, it was no wonder she felt so heavy. "Awww , you are the cutest thing" she said speaking French. "Thank you" I smiled at her. Her eyes widened when she realized I could understand and speak French like her.  "We are so sorry" the two men said looking at the dancer with lust.

"I'm fine, don't worry" she said in a thick French accent. "Sorry, but I am going to have to ask that the three of you leave this venue for cause a disruption of the show" the security guard came. Damn it!!! I really wanted to finish this show. "Alright" I said starting to leave where the officer pointed. I felt a tug on my wrist and I turned to see that dancer looking at me speechless. "What's your name?" She asked hopeful. I hardly knew this woman, but I'm sure she just wanted to thank me.

"Alice.....Alice Kirkland" I said slowly; by then the two other men had left from the scene. "Wow.....uhhh, my name is Francine....Bonnefoy" she said slowly and I showed her a smile. "It's nice to meet you" I smiled pulling my hand away from her. "WAIT!!" She shouted making me turn around to look at her. "Yes?" I asked.

"When will I see you again?" She smiled hopeful. "I'm not sure" I said Turing around to leave. I needed to get out here before they dragged me out of here, which would not be a pretty picture. I can't even tell Amelia either because she will be upset and ask for those men information to fight.
I shook my head walking out of the venue and into the evening light.

Gosh that really was a waste of time, I wonder what I am going to tell Amelia. As I walked home, I couldn't get that dancers face out of my mind. She had beautiful hair and kind eyes, with a nice accent, I hope she is doing well.  The thought of her just made me think about how I really need to go out and date more people. Yet..... I have never really been interested in dating. Maybe it is not the fact that I need to date or anything like that, but maybe it is about who I am dating? I just know the problem is that I need to find that right person.


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