Chapter Ten

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I woke up to screaming and a giant shove. It caused me to hit myself against the floor, wide awake. "What the? What is going on?" I asked confused. "What are you doing in my bed? Only with a shirt on? How did I change clothes? Oh my goodness did we have sex?!" She said freaking out. I stood up to look Alice in the face , grabbing it to calm her down. "I changed you last night, I was in your bed because I was too tired to leave, we did not have sex and you need to calm down" I spoke softly.

She started to calm down a little bit looking upset "what's wrong?" I asked. She shook her head slightly "nothing....I just hope I didn't say anything stupid" she said nervously. I had not realized it before....but her hair was so long once it was out of its usual updo. Her hair was bright and soft and as she sat back down, I noticed how it touched her knees. "Do not worry, I made sure that you were in good hands" I smiled. "Yeah...that's great and all but why do I have a bad headache?"

I looked to her nervously as I remembered how I dropped her multiple times last night. "Hangover know how it is" I laughed nervously. I hope she never finds out that I dropped her on the floor, she would be angry. I continued to smile at her as I had no idea what was wrong with her. "Well... thank you...for bringing me home safely" she smiled sweetly. That did it for me, I couldn't resist anymore. I was like a cat pouncing on its prey. I pounced on her like a cat, holding her arms down softly.

I looked into her shocked eyes as I placed myself above her waist. "Your smile drives me insane" I whispered into her ear. I felt shivers go down her spine as she stayed silent. "I don't want to do anything you aren't comfortable , is it okay?" I asked softly. I rested my face in her ear and smelled strawberries. I started to run my fingers through her hair and felt so much love for her. "You want to?" She asked. I quickly looked at her face and her face was flushed pink. "What?" I asked confused.

"Do you want to? Kiss me?" She asked. My eyes widened and I separated from her a little "more than anything" I said seriously. "Then do it" she said firmly. My eyes widened and I started to feel scared. Was she bluffing? Was she trying to see if I would make a move on her? Or maybe she was messing with she did with those other girls. Either way, I just wanted to kiss her, to see how she tasted. I came closer to her slowly , so close that I could feel her lips on mine slightly. "Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes...." she whispered. I soon fully placed my lips on hers. It felt so amazing that I sunk into it deeper and deeper. I grabbed her face and kissed her harder with taste. She was so beautiful and sweet, I wanted all of her. Not now though, I had to resist the urge to have her. I slowly separated from her , smiling seeing how shocked her face was. "To me you are all the beautiful things in the world...and more" I whispered. And she was, the most beautiful person I ever lay my eyes on.

"HEY ALICE DO YOU HAVE MY SHIRT??? I LEFT IT HERE THE OTHER DAY AND FORGOT IT-......" of course it was Amelia who came barging in. Does she have a key to this house or something? She cut herself off as she looked at me on top of Alice. I felt scared and embarrassed at the same time. Alice and I looked to her shocked until Alice pushed me off of her. "HAHAHAHAA I see you are busy so I should leave" Amelia said starting to walk away.  "Wait! Amelia!! It's not what it looks like" Alice shouted running after her. Which I quickly got up to do the same.

I ran to the living room seeing Alice grabbing Amelia "Wait! We need to talk about this" Alice said nervously. "Talk about what? I didn't see anything going on" Amelia laughed looking around. "Oh come on, just say something! You saw! What will you do? Do you hate me now?" Alice asked sadly. Amelia had stayed silent for a bit before finally answering "no, of course not. I just was not expecting it....I have nothing against people... so don't worry about me telling" Amelia said breathing out. She smiled at Alice and hugged her.

"Thank you so much" Alice smiled hugging her back. We really had a scare there , but hopefully Amelia is true to her word. "I'll just go though....and leave the two of you alone" Amelia laughed nervously, soon running out the door. "I'm so sorry" I said looking to Alice. She had been turnt away from me with her head down. I was sure she was going to be upset with me. "Don't worry about it, I trust that Amelia won't say anything just don't worry right now" she said with a shaking voice.

"I will just go too....leave you alone" I quickly went back to the bedroom to get my things, walking back to where Alice was. "I'm so sorry" I said sadly. "Wait!!!" She said grabbing onto my wrist. "What is it?" I asked.
"When will I see you again?"
"You....aren't you mad?"
"I don't think I could be mad, nor regret anything"
"Tomorrow at 7pm?"
"Yes! Meet here ....I'll spend the day changing the locks" she laughed shaking her head. I smiled at her, slowly leaning in to kiss her forehead. "Je te verrai bientôt" I spoke.  "I'll see you soon" she said with a sweet smile. It was the last thing we spoke to each other before I had to leave quickly.

Thanks for reading so far 💖

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