Chapter Thirteen

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Throughout the whole day, I could not focus. I was busy thinking about Alice and how I was in a rush to see her after work.  I love being a Gogo dancer, I get to feel myself whenever I entertain. However, today I just was not feeling it. I was supposed to get out of work in another hour or so so I was not too stressed about it. "Wooooo, shake it!!!" A man yelled slapping my ass. God I really did hate it here. I rolled my eyes and continued to do my job. I hated when people like him came in. It just made today even more stressful.

"Francine! We are over staffed so you can head out if you'd like" my manager said. "You don't have to tell me twice" I laughed jumping off the stage area. I quickly grabbed my purse and walked quickly out of the pub. I was so eager to see Alice that I soon started to run towards the direction of her house. She was not far luckily and it would only take me a five minute jog. Of course a lot of people stared at me in amazement as I ran in my boots, but oh well.

Arriving to her home , I had to stop to take a breath before I stood up. I knocked on her door and waited a bit ....until Amelia answered. "Perfect! You are just the person I wanted to see. We were just talking about you" she said pulling me in. I looked at her confused and turned to the living space , only to be dead silent at the sight. Alice was unconscious on the sofa with tape over her face. I quickly ran to her side and took off the tape. "Oh god, are you okay? Wake up!" I said horrified, shaking her.

"Do not worry, she was not see, I expressed to her my concerns for her sexual orientation. To be Frank, I find it a bit repulsive...what's been going on between the two of you." She spat. I felt tears go down my cheeks as I turned to her shocked. "She is basically a sister to you, how could you do this?" I asked horrified. "That only makes this harder" she said seriously. "Makes what harder?" I asked confused. What on earth was she planning to do.

"You see, I can't report the two of you to authorities since it is technically legal....bad I can enter the two of you into a conversion therapy camp." She smiled as if she was doing us a favor. I held Alice close and started to sob as I felt someone grab my shoulders. I kept holding on though, I was not going to let go of Alice. "Francine this is the good for both of you" Amelia spoke.

More people came into the room and started to help her pull me away from Alice. "NOOOOOOO!!! I LOVE HER!! DO NOT DO THIS !!! PLEASE" I cried out in pain.

When they finally pulled me away, men held me down by my arms and legs as they carried Alice out. Noooo, when will I ever see her again. This is all my fault, I should've never told her how I felt. Images of her happiness came as flashes to me as I tried to fight against these men. "Nooooo" I screamed. The men picked me up like I was nothing and did their best to carry me out the door. "Amelia!!!!" I shouted getting her attention. "YOU ARE GOING TO BURN JN HELL"

The put me in some kind of body suit that restrained my arms. I couldn't move well so they had to put me in a wheelchair in order to enter the so called "camp" which was not even a camp. It was a facility, the ones they send the mentally ill to. It was dark and gloomy , and not a single colorful flower in sight. Was I so sad that everything was masked in a gloomy depression? Who know.

A woman in a doctors coat approached me and started to examine my face. "What a pretty one, too bad she chose a sinful life" she shook her head. Everything was starting to come and go as I continued to black out and gain consciousness. I think they may have injected me with something to make me feel this way. I can't remember if they did though. The next time I regained consciousness, I was in a room with nothing in it but a bed and a desk. The walls were plain and there were no windows for me to look out of. It was extremely sad and I wanted out. "Hello?" I called answer. "Hello?"

Finally someone opened the door and they looked at me. It was that doctor from before. "We are giving you an opportunity to repent. This facility specializes in conversion therapy and I assure you, you are in great hands" she smiled. "Where is Alice?" I asked concerned. "Hmmmm? Oh! That other young woman, she is actually here in the facility, but I have orders to keep the two of you do not get any ideas. Or else it is punishment" she warned. 

I continued to stare at her not saying a word. Alice must be scared to death. I can not even imagine how she is emotionally doing right now. "Now then, get some rest because tomorrow you will have a big day ahead of you. We start the treatment , and it takes a lot of energy" she spoke. Once she left the room I continued to sit in my wheelchair. It didn't feel like this was weird. I am sure this bad dream will end soon. Right? I mean, why on earth would Amelia do this to us, to Alice especially. I just had no words for what I was feeling, what I was thinking at that moment. It was difficult.


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