Chapter seventeen

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July 26 1967
~Francine pov~
"We have gathered everyone here due to there being rumors on offenses with same sex. It is true that a law may be passed , but until then , we are required to keep all of you here till anything changes." Some nurses spoke to my group and hearing the news made my heart beat fast.  The chance of Alice and I reuniting was making my heart fly away.  I walked over to a table and sat down for a bit. "What is wrong Francine?" Daisy asked me . "Oh nothing, just a little light headed , excuse me for a bit" I smiled.

I walked into the hallway and by my door and stopped for a bit. If I remember.....Daisy said Alice's room is on the third floor..... room 307. I looked at my door and to the stairs, then back to my door again. "That is such a silly idea" I laughed out. Suddenly , without thinking, my legs starts to move , running down the hallway and up the stairs to the third floor. I kept running and running , pushing other patients aside who were in my way.

Once I reached the third floor, I quickly looked at all the door numbers and quickly passed any number that wasn't the one I was looking for.  I stopped in front of the door and started to bang on it . I looked around my surroundings nervous that some nurse or a security officer was going to find me. The door then slowly opened and I pushed my self in, closing the door behind me as well as locking it. I kept breathing in and out as I stared at these beautiful big green eyes staring in shock at me. "Francine?" Alice said shocked and I quickly covered her mouth.

"Please , I can't be here long . I just couldn't take this anymore and I had to see you once. Just once" I cried. She was the same as I remember , so small like a bunny. I grabbed her quickly and pulled her into a hug. "I love you!! I can not live without you!" I cried. I could feel her stop breathing as I held her tightly. I was too afraid to let her go and I just wanted to hold her a little longer. "" She asked shocked. I looked into her eyes and slowly nodded "of course , you are everything and more to me."

"I love you too!" She sobbed jumping onto me. I fell onto her bed and I couldn't help but start kissing her. It felt amazing , no amount of conversion therapy could ever make me feel disgusted with myself . I cupped her cheeks in my hands and started to kiss her face all over. Kissing her felt like all my problems went away, that we weren't in this hospital. We were just a normal couple who loved each other so much. I felt her tears wet my cheeks as I continued to hold her tightly.

Our moment of happiness did not last long when the door suddenly slammed open. It caused me to quickly get onto my feet. "You little whore!!!" The nurse screamed. She grabbed me by my hair and pulled me to the floor. Two more guards came in and started to kick and shove me. "You, did you consent?" The nurse asked Alice. "No!!! I forced myself on her" I butt in. Just for saying that , one of the guards punched me in the stomach. "Is this true?" The nurse asked Alice. I looked to Alice who looked horrified at the situation.

"It is a lie, I let her in and I seduced was consensual" she yelled angry. The nurse walked up to her slowly, stared at her for ten seconds before slapping her so hard across the face that it made her fall over to the ground. "Send the both of these two into isolation for a week." The nurse said. One of the Guards  grabbed Alice and we both struggled to get free. "What are you doing with them?" Daisy came yelling at the nurse. "Move before we put you in isolation" the nurse said shoving her.

Oh man I wanted to hit that nurse across the face. And before I knew it I had managed to get free and actually punch that nurse. "How does it feel you bitch!?" I yelled in her face. Of course my moment of glory did not last long since the guard grabbed me once more. The nurse who I punched faced me and started to pull my hair. "Do not go easy on this one, schedule electric therapy for Tomorrow afternoon for Alice" the nurse spat in my face.  God I hated this place so much.

Our feet dragged on the floor as they took us to isolation. It was really just a dark room with a blanket on the floor. It sucked but at least it wasn't like getting beat for 30 minutes. I guess that's why I always misbehaved , I knew that the only bad thing that would happen was isolation and the shock therapy. I knew that she wanted Alice to get shocked was because of me and I will be coming for her.

I saw them throw Alice in the room next to mine and then they threw me harder in mine. I slowly sat up and checked my arm to make sure it wasn't bleeding after the impact. It was now me alone in a dark room and I had no idea what to do. Besides replaying that miss in my mind over and over again. Her soft lips and beautiful long blonde hair. Her emerald green eyes that shined like bright stones in a mine. The thought of Alice will always make me feel happy no matter what. I wiped a tear off of my check and held my knees close to me . "I promise you Alice, i will protect matter what happens to me."

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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