Chapter Twelve

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"We sure do spend a lot of time together....we should just live together" I laughed. "Oh please, now you are just asking to be caught." Alice laughed shaking her head. She was pouring the tea slowly into my cup, and I couldn't help to reach for some of her sweets. "Hey , I don't think I've ever tried anything you've made before" I smiled looking to the treat. "Yeah you are right..." she laughed grabbing the sugar. I took a bite into the sweet tart and I immediately felt pain. It was super hard and tasted like she threw it on the floor multiple times. "Do you like it?" She smiled cheering. That is when it hit me.... I have tried her cooking before, the time she first invited me over and there was flour all over her face.

It tasted the same..... however I didn't have the heart to tell her. I think my brain blocked out the first time I had her food because it was too traumatizing. "How about I cook us some food tonight? I am french and I know some great dishes" I smiled. She looked to me and a giant smile appeared "alright then, I see no harm in that" she shrugged. I continued to watch her elegant figure set up the tea pot and plates and I was just amazed at how beautiful she was.

"What is it?" She asked confused.  "Nothing, it just amazes me how beautiful you are" I smiled. I wish we could always stay this way, me looking at her . I wish we could get married and start a family and do so much like kiss in public or something. But that is just not possible at the moment. The air in her home felt warm and comforting, and I wanted nothing more than to be beside her forever.

A knock suddenly emerged at the door and Alice and I looked at each other confused.  She quickly went to open the door and she looked happy. "Oh gosh!!! Amelia! It's amazing to see you again, where have you been?" Alice asked. Amelia peeked her head in the door and looked at me  a bit angry. "Oh....of course she is here" Amelia glared. I knew she hated me , no one could have told me for me to know.  "Well, I will come back tomorrow, since the two of you are busy" Amelia turned around quickly.

"Wait! What is wrong, please talk to me" Alice begged. "Not now....." was the last thing Amelia said before leaving. Alice closed the door and groggily walked over to the sofa, throwing herself on it. "I do not know what to do Francine" she said looking as if she were to cry. I had no idea what to do either, so I just walked to her and sat beside her on the sofa. "Do not worry, I am sure she will come around....maybe her feelings are starting to catch up with and she is just confused" I spoke.

"Maybe, I just hope she doesn't take that confusion into hate and anger....I really love a sister way of course. I just don't want her to think ill of me." Alice spoke softly. I put an arm around her and pulled her in closer to me. "Everything will be alright, I promise" I smiled kissing her forehead. I was truly in love with this woman. She was worth everything, more than my life and freedom and even happiness. I wanted her well being to come first.

Alice wrapped her arms around me and we started to lay on the sofa in an embrace. I didn't want to let her go, I had this instinct to protect her at all costs. I closed my eyes and began to kiss her cheeks and face. "Hey!!! What are you doing?" She giggled. "Just showing you how much I love you!" I cheered. "Honestly, you are crazy if you think I will subdue myself to this-....hey!!!" She started to laugh once more. I just kept kissing and kissing her face until she laughed so hard tears came out of her eyes. Those tears of joy soon turned into tears of sadness.

"Shhhhh, it will be okay" I whispered. I started to pat her back until she slowly started to fall asleep. She was small so I was able to pick her up and carry her to her bedroom. I placed her on her bed slowly , covering her so she could stay warm. "I will just let myself out" I giggled.

I walked out of her room and took a seat on the sofa for a small break. I was scared on what Amelia was going to say to Alice. What if she lashes out on her!!? I need to make sure I'm here somewhere to prevent her from hurting Alice. I will stop by and check on Alice tomorrow and see if Amelia has come by or not. I will get a chance to tell Alice that I will be hiding in the shadows. Something like that, I am sure Ice would not mind. I mean my intentions are good and I just want to make sure she is safe.

I stood up from the sofa and stretched my back. I will stop by after work tomorrow, I am sure Alice will be busy too. I walked to the door and locked it behind me as I started to head out. I felt a bit hesitant to leave her alone tonight, but I am sure she will be fine. I am just acting paranoid because of Amelia. She really did look angry at me though....but maybe it will get settled tomorrow. "Yup..... I am definitely not paranoid" I said out loud. I chuckled a bit before starting to walk away from the house. "Come on Francine!!! Get it together!!! Everything is going to be fine...... you just I think..... oh my goodness."


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