Chapter Eight

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As planned, I made sure to pick up flowers and sweets, while managing to ignore the stares of closed minded people. I'm sure they might have assumed I was bringing these gifts for a man. While judging on why it was not the other way around. I would do anything for Alice, that meant making a fool out of myself in public with all these stares. As I walked through the streets of London an American song was playing on a speaker of some sorts. It was "Angel Baby" by Rosie and the Originals, a song that came out a few years ago, but some how resonated with me.

"No one can love you, like I do" I started to him along to the song, it had made me smile. I was thinking about Alice as I listened to this song, I wonder if she knew how much I adored her. I adored her so much, her curvy hair that rested on her shoulders, with those stylish bright London clothes she is always wearing. How could I now be head over heels for her, she was definitely a beauty.

Once I arrived at her home I knocked on the door slowly, and soon after she answered "wow, you sure don't waist time" she laughed letting me enter her home. "Here, these are for you" I smiled handing her the gifts and her lips curved with glee. "Wow, aren't you the sweetest, thank you so much. I will go ahead and put these in some water" she smiled lifting the flowers up to me. I went to take a seat at her table and waited for her to come and sit with me. What was I suppose to say to her? "So about yesterday, I think we should talk about it-..."

"Yes!!! We were interrupted" I laughed nervously.
"I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I am one hundred percent sure that I am into women, but I don't know what to do, for sure I want to start dating"
"Naturally, I suggest someone who loves you dearly....with good taste in clothes as well?" I smirked.
"Aren't you funny, as if I'd go out with you"
"Who said I was talking about myself? I'm just giving you suggestions on what you should look for in a woman"
"Nothing...." she said nervously. She looked down to her lap nervously and I couldn't hide my grin.

Of course I wanted to be the girl she went out with, but I also loved to mess with her. She gets defensive and I think it's the most cutest thing in the world. " how about I help you find someone....there are a few places I know of here in London that have some eligible bachelorettes" I smiled. Of course I didn't want her to get caught up with any of those women, so I will just show her how great I am instead. To seem cool I suppose.

"Places?" She asked.
"Yes....Like a gay bar....but for women, also it is secretive so if the police come we have to get our butts out of there" I laughed. "No I think I will pas son that, I would hate for people to see me there, or find out about me...I want to keep things secret" she said sadly. "How else will you get yourself out there like you wanted to?" I asked. "I'm sure I will just naturally find someone, do not even worry your head about it" she smiled. I just didn't want her getting caught up with someone who was fake and would break her heart.

She should just be with me! I would treat her better than all the good people in the world combined. "You know what?! Fuck it! I need to put myself out and explore my sexuality! I shouldn't try and keep it in, and if someone knows, who cares" she cheered excited. "What?!" I asked shocked. I really didn't think she would actually like this idea, I only said it to scare her away a bit. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes of course, and you can be there to help me so it's not all bad" she cheered.

"Yeah....of course" great! Now I regretted opening my stupid mouth about it. But it wasn't like she was going to give me a chance anytime soon. Maybe I should rethink my tactics on how I should get her to fall in love with me. "No hard feelings right?" She asked. "I'm sorry what?" I laughed. "Well, I rejected you yesterday, so hopefully this won't be weird for you....seeing me with other women" she said slowly. "Trust me, I haven't given up yet, I just figured you need time to explore yourself a bit, so that's what I will let you do"

"I see..... well thank you for that, now I have a few questions"
"Like what?"
"How did you know you know.....homosexual" she whispered as if there were people around us to hear our conversation. "I was in denial at you, but seeing a pin up model on one of my brothers magazines really did it for me. I thought.... "how could looking at another woman make me feel like I wanted to touch her so badly" it was a toxic realization that I'm glad I learnt to face" I smiled.

Her eyes were wide with amazement as she sat back in her seat. "Wow, I wish I was as straight with myself as you are, I have gone through many stages of denial that I am glad I am finally moving away from" she smiled placing her hand on mine. It was soft and delicate , I wanted to place my cheek against it and feel her run her fingers through my hair. I knew better than to do that to her though, especially since she doesn't feel that way about me....yet. Once she does, I will always place my cheek on her soft beautiful hands.

Thanks for reading so far 💖

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