Chapter Sixteen

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June 27 1967
~Alice pov~

"Apparently there is this French Woman here that gets so angry she starts yelling at the guards in French. That has to be a funny sight." I could hear some of the girls say. "Ahhh Alice!! You know here do you not? There are rumors that the group she is in really likes her because she is so tough." One of them called me over. "Ahhh, yes.... some what" was all I could say. They started to laugh some more as I heard a small whisper. "Pssst!!!" The sound went. I looked around and saw Daisy. I felt a smile form as I rushed to her. "Hello darling , did you get my message to her?" I asked with joy.

"Yes, and she wanted me to give you this" Daisy pulled out a small box and I felt my cheeks grow pink "what is it?" I asked nervously. "I have no idea, Francine said it wasn't much, and there is a note inside of it" she pointed out. "Thank you so much, will I be seeing you tomorrow?" I asked. "Sorry, maybe Friday, tomorrow I have.......therapy" Daisy said sadly. I understood what that meant and I felt sad too.

"I'll tell you what, I'll stop by your room tomorrow and bring your food. I will make sure it's the freshest one and I'll steal you dessert. What do you say?" I asked with a smile. "That would be nice." She smiled back. Right when she was about to leave she stopped and turned back around to look at me. "What is it?" I asked. "Francine doesn't tell me, but what happened to the two of you?" She asked sweetly.  That wasn't something I was expecting, it was a tough subject. "How about we take a seat?"  I asked

She followed me inside the room I was in and I smiled reassuringly. "Okay, you are young but , I am sure you really want to hear the story of us, might as well since we know about you" I smiled. Daisy got comfortable and I took a huge swallow. "Francine and I met at a dance pub , she was one of the GoGo dancers there , and I was just a no one . We really met by chance and for her it was love at first sight..... me on the other hand , I was a bit stubborn which I regret." I started.

"Then what happened?"
"Well, I had a friend named Amelia , one day she walked on Francine and I ....uhhhh.... having our private time. I forgot Amelia was able to get into my home and it turned bad. I tried to confront her about it but she didn't want to speak to me."
"No way, your friend out you here? But why Francine? Why would she do that?" Daisy said shocked. "Yes, she did put us here , but I forgive her. I am sure she was filled with a lot of emotions she did not understand." I said sadly.

"So you and Francine were in love?" Daisy asked like the child she is.  "Uhhh, yes , I would say so" I laughed a bit nervously.  "I hope this will all be over soon" she said hopeful. I pulled her into a hug and started to reassure "of course, I promise you that it will all be over soon" I smiled. She was too young to be going through this, I wish that I could adopt her on a down low, but I think that is illegal.

She separated from me with a smile "I have to go, I'll see you whenever" she cheered leaving. I looked at the box Francine gave me and I felt confused. I opened it and took out the note first , it read "of all the beautiful sights in the world, you are by far the most beautiful." I smiled widely at the letter and held it close to my heart. "She is such an idiot" I thought. I placed the note in my pocket and looked inside the box once more. There was a shiny rock inside or a stone of some sort. Where in gods name did she get that?

I laughed looking at the stone and felt my face get hot. I looked around me to make sure no one was watching . And quickly ran off to my room. I wanted to cry , all of this was Amelia's fault, how could she? I thought her and I were basically sisters. I felt sucked at the thought and I just wanted to ask her why. I swear that when I get out of here I will be asking her why she did this to me , especially Francine, A woman she didn't even really speak to. I lay on my bed quietly just hoping time would pass.

We have been here for awhile and I have once to hear or see Amelia. Who is even paying for us to be here? If Amelia was, why would she even bother with all of this? What is she trying to gain from us being here? She could have just cut us off , I wouldn't have cared if she cut me off, but why this? I had so many questions not being answered and it was driving me insane. I just started to cry, alone , thinking of all the moments I missed with Francine being here.

The moment I see Francine again, I just want to jump into her arms. Unless she wants to jump into my arms, then that would be nice. I would not object to her jumping into my arms. I breathed out slowly and started to stroke my hair , "just take it one day at a time, before you know it you and Francine will be out of here and it will be a happy ending" I thought to myself. I was usually a pessimist , but at times like this it is always amazing to still have hope for the future of yourself.

Thanks for reading so far.

Today I found out hetalia is getting another season , so I feel hella inspired . ❤️

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