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The three of you got to the room, just as Rose burst out laughing. "She did what?"

Ethan was grinning. "There was chocolate ice cream all over her face. I did the only thing I could think of and pushed her into Mark's pool."

You smirked. "And then I grabbed your shirt and pulled you right in with me."

Rose grinned at you. "(Y/n)! You're back!" She looked behind you, and her smile faltered. "Uncle Josh..."

Joshua walked past you, staring at Rose. "Why, Rose? Why would you do this?"

You put a hand on his shoulder. "I don't think she needs this right now-"

"She's going to answer me." Joshua forced.

Rose fidgeted with her hands. "I... I don't know why. I don't know what came over me."

"That's a lie and you know it." Rose winced. "Now tell me- why did you do it?"

"You don't have to answer that, Rose." Sabrina stepped in.

Ethan stood up from his chair. "Maybe you should leave-"

"I'm not leaving until I get an answer."

Rose began to cry. "Please stop..."

Ethan walked over. "I'll say this one more time- please leave."

Joshua stared at him. "She's my niece, and I'll stay if I want to."

"Uncle Josh, you're upsetting her-"

Joshua turned and backhanded you. You stumbled backwards, holding onto your cheek and staring into his death gaze. "I don't care what the hell I'm doing. I'm not leaving until I get an answer."

Rose reached out to you and took your hand. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?"

You let go of your face, still staring at Joshua. "Yeah. I'm fine."

Rose leaned over the bed frame to whisper to you. "He's drunk..."

You nodded. "I noticed."

You looked toward Ethan, who was fuming. "Get out."

"Excuse me-"

"You heard me. Get out. Now."

Joshua stood his ground, until Sabrina kneed him in the dick. "Out. Now, please, or else we'll call the police." Joshua looked at her, then stumbled out of the room. You sank into a chair, putting your head in your hands, as she approached you. "That was messed up. I'm sorry."

Ethan closed the door to the room, then approached you, as well, kneeling down in front of you. "Let me see, please."

You looked up at him, and was met with wide, blue eyes. "Is it bad..?"

Ethan shook his head. "No, I don't think so... other than the fact that you have a huge red mark on your cheek. Does it hurt?"

You shook your head. "Not really." You heard sniffling, and turned your head to realize that Rose was still crying. "Are you okay?"

She nodded, wiping her cheeks. "I will be. I just... I don't like it when he gets drunk."

"Me neither, Rose. You have to remember that it's his own fault, though- we tried getting him help, and it's never worked."

"Does he get drunk often?" Sabrina asked.

Rose nodded. "He's an alcoholic. He gets angry when he's drunk, but... I mean, he never gets physical..."

"So... this was the first time that he ever hit someone?" Rose nodded. "And you tried getting him help before?"

You nodded. "My dad tried setting him up for rehab. It... didn't exactly work."

Ethan leaned over to hug you tightly. "I'm sorry, (Y/n). I really am."

You shrugged, pulling away. "I've learned to live with it." You looked over at Rose as she wiped away the last of her tears. "It looks like Rose had a harder time with it, though."

Sabrina gave Rose a small smile, gently pushing the hair away from her face before putting her hand over Rose's. "Hey. Why don't I go down to the cafeteria and get some ice cream for everyone? I always found that a good bowl of ice cream helps calm people down after a stressful moment."

Rose's eyes brightened as she looked at you. "Can we? Please?"

You giggled. "Sure. Only if you want to, Sabrina."

"Oh, I don't mind. I'll be right back." She grabbed her wallet before walking out of the room.

"She didn't even ask what kind I wanted..." Rose muttered.

"Knowing her, she'll probably bring up one of each kind available." Ethan joked.

You giggled again. "Yeah, that sounds like her."

"Hey, (Y/n)?" You turned to Rose, who was looking at her hands. "I... I'm sorry. About everything."

"There's really no need to apologize, Rose. I'm fine, I promise. Now, let's talk for a little bit and get out minds away from the topic until Sabrina comes back with our ice cream."

Rose grinned, practically jumping up in the bed. "I almost forgot she was getting us ice cream!"

Ethan laughed. "Only you would forget something like that."

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