Chapter 1

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                     Russetfur POV   

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the high rock " Cedarstar yowled.

Russetfur jumped at the announcement then walked with Boulder towards Rowanberry and yellowfang.

"The time has come for the makings of new apprentices and Hollyflower's kits are ready to be apprentices" he explained.

"I haven't seen Hollyflower's kits but I heard Cedarstar is their father" Boulder whispered to her.

"I haven't seen them yet either" she whispered back.

"Flintkit, Fernkit and Blackkit step foward!" He said.

Three kits step forward. Russetfur strained her head to see them. One was a grey tom, the second was a tortoieshell she-cat and the third was a white tom.

Wait a white tom?! Which one is Blackkit then? She thought.

"Flintkit from this moment on until you receive your warrior name you will be known as Flintpaw" Cedarstar said as he nodded to the gray tom.

"Crowtail you have amazing skills and I hope you will pass them on to Flintpaw."

Crowtail walked up to touch noses with the apprentice.

Cedarstar turned to the she-cat "Fernkit from this moment until you recevie your warrior name you will be known as Fernpaw."

"Scorchwind your fighting ability is outstanding and I hope you will pass these on to young Fernpaw."

Raggedpelt's brother finally got an apprentice... wait Flintpaw and Fernpaw so does that mean the white tom is Blackkit? Russetfur thought.

Cedarstar finally walked to the tom. Russetfur noticed that they both had the same amber-orange gaze. When he stepped out Russetfur knew why he was called Blackkit. His paws were huge and jet-black. And also his ears were lined black as well.

"Blackkit from this moment until you get your warrior name you will be known as Blackpaw" Cedarstar raised his head to Rowanberry.

"Rowanberry you are kind and passional yet fearce at the same time. I hope you will pass the gifts down to Blackpaw."

Russetfur watched as he touched noses with Rowanberry.

"FLINTPAW, FERNPAW BLACKPAW" the clan cheered for the new apprentices.

Russetfur was about to turn away... "Hello" she looked down to see Blackpaw in front of her with a look on his face.

"Your Russetfur right?" He asked.

"Yes" she said narrowing her eyes at him.

"Nice to meet you I'm Blackpaw youngest son of Cedarstar." He suddenly smiled.

Russetfur was suprised with the commemt. He was the youngest? Cause he way bigger than his littermates. But she returned the smile.

"Nice to meet you too Blackpaw."

Here is my first chapter of my Blackstar x Russetfur story. I hope you will like my stories. I only on the story.. characters and The Warrior Cats are owned by Erin huntet though I will add some of my OC but I will tell you if they are my OC or not.

Till next time bye.

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