Chapter 14

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Blackpaw's POV

Blackpaw's body was frozen to the core. He felt awful, and his nose was running.

Sagewhisker had been looking after him a little more than Yellowfang cause of the kits.

He heard her tell Hollyflower and Cedarstar that he had Greencough.

Will I die?

Blackpaw slowly opened his eyes to see Yellowfang napping. Sagewhisker was sorting her herbs and the snow was falling outside of the den.

Blackpaw closed his eyes and coughed, then slowly drowned himself in sleep.


Blackpaw felt a breeze warm his body. He opened his eyes, and gasped.

He was in a beautiful pine forest. He was in a clearing, surrounding him was a swamp.

"Where in StarClan's name am I?" He said out loud.

"Well, you're in StarClan" a voice said from behind him.

Blackpaw turned around to see a small spiky-furred pretty silver-and-gray she-cat. She had sharp green eyes and a bright pink nose.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"My name is Thistlepaw, welome to StarClan" she smiled.

"StarClan?!" Blackpaw shuttered.

"Am I dead?"

Thistlepaw shook her head, "Nope, well your kinda dying, but your still alive."

"Wait! I'm kinda dying?!"

Thistlepaw nodded, "You have Greencough."

Blackpaw stared at her, "Well, this sucks."

"I guess so, But I'm here to keep you company" she smiled.

Blackpaw frowned, "why?"

Thistlepaw stepped forward, "So you won't be lonely."

He shrugged. He leaned over to sniff her and a ShadowClan scent filled his nose.

"Your a ShadowClan apprentice" he said.

She nodded, "yep, I'm the daughter of Dawnstar and Wolfhowl."

Blackpaw frowned again, "I don't know who they are."

"Dawnstar was ShadowClan's leader before Hollowstar and Cedarstar."


"What do you want to do?" He asked.

She smiled, "I want you to meet my other friends."


After a while Blackpaw followed Thistlepaw into another swamp.

There was a dark brown tabby tom, a dusky brown she-cat and a light gray she-cat.

"Blackpaw this is Timberpaw, Marshwillow and Mallowspeck."

"Nice to meet you all" he said.

Thistlepaw nudged Timberpaw, "This is my brother."

Blackpaw nodded.

Timberpaw blinked, "We all have a clan leader for a parent."

Marshwillow nodded, "That's right, My Father is Marshstar, Mallowspeck's mother is Snowstar and Timberpaw and Thistlepaw are Dawnstar's kits."

Blackpaw grinned, "And my father is Cedarstar."

Marshwillow smiled, "Yep, welcome to the club."

Blackpaw purred, than gasped, "Wait I half to go back, My family and friends are worried about me!"

"In time you will return" Timberpaw said.

Blackpaw wanted to asked some more questions, but he knew they wouldn't give him the answers.

So he shrugged, "Ok, what do you want to do?"

Mallowspeck rested her tail on his shoulder. "Do you want to see some more ShadowClan StarClan cats?"

He nodded.

Marshwillow jumped onto a log and walked to the other side, "Then away we go!"


First of all... Wolfhowl, Thistlepaw, Timberpaw, Marshwillow, Hollowstar and Mallowspeck all belong to me. Dawnstar and Marshstar belong to Erin Hunter. Chapter 14 is now done! Good cause school starts tomorrow, and then exams at the end of the month, plus this weekened, i'm going to a Winter Fuse thingy.


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