Chapter 11

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                 Russetfur's POV

Russetfur got up for her dawn patrol, she was patroling the WindClan border, with Brackenfoot, Ashstalk, Crowtail, Clawpaw and Blackpaw.

Foxheart was leading the patrol.

Russetfur watched Ashstalk walk beside Blackpaw, and a wave of jealousy swept over her.

Why am I jealous? He's only a friend, right? She thought as Brackenfoot nudged her.

"Ready?" He asked.

She nodded, and they followed Foxheart all the way to the WindClan border.

Suddenly Blackpaw ran to Foxheart, "Foxheart, there's WindClan scent all over here" he hissed.

Foxheart stopped and tasted the air, after a heartbeat she snarled, "it's fresh, come on! We can catch them if we hurry."

The patrol ran, and as they did Russetfur heard Ashstalk whisper, "you have a great nose."

Soon enough, they caught up with the partol, there was Hickorynose, Shrewclaw, Talltail and Ryestalk.

"What are you doing on our territory" Foxheart hissed.

Hickorynose gave a smirk, "this is our territory now, Cedarstar told Heatherstar she could have this part of your territory."

"Lies!" Brackenfoot unsheathed his claws.

"Cedarstar did no such thing" Foxheart agreed, then she gave a yowl.



Russetfur was locked in combact with Talltail. She barrel-rolled over him, and swiped at his flank.

He snarled running his claws down her hind leg.

"You should have stayed in the Twoleg place" he whispered.

He suddenly yowled, as Blackpaw jumped on Talltail and chomped on his ear.

Talltail stepped on his hindlegs and then purposly threw himself on his back, squashing Blackpaw underneath him.

Russetfur snarled and grabbed Talltail's chest and threw him aside.

Blackpaw coughed and slowly got up. He looked up at her and smiled "thank you."

Blood trickled from his lips, and he had deep wounds.

"WindClan, retreat!" Ryestalk yowled.

Foxheart and Clawpaw chased them across the thunderpath.

When they got back, Russetfur looked around at wounds. Crowtail and Brackenfoot only had a few marks.

Foxheart had a torn ear, and Clawpaw lost some fur on his shoulder, and he had blood everywhere across his face.

She turned back to Blackpaw, who was lying on the ground, eyes closed and blood everywhere on his fur.



Dun dun dun! Sorry this took so long, I've been at work (i work at Mcdonals). But here it is, by the way....


Bye bros

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