Chapter 9

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                Russetfur's POV

Russetfur ran through the bushes towards the Twolegplace.

She jumped over a fence without hesitation, and landed on the otherside.

She quickly ran towards a old twoleg den. This place used to be her home... where she was born, where she met Boulder...

Suddenly a very familiar voice spoke, "Red?"

She turned around to see a large ginger tom and a fluffy white she-cat.

"Pixie! Marmalade!" Russetfur purred, then ran over to touch noses with them.

"Oh Red you've grown" Pixie smiled licking her cheek.

Marmalade ran his tounge over her spine.

"How's Boulder" he asked.

"He's good, It's really good to see you all, but I was wondering…" she started, then trailed off.

Pixie nodded, "Go ahead dear."

Russetfur took a deep breath, "Could I see where you buried Hal please?"

Marmalade and Pixie stared at each other, then turned to her, "Follow us."

Russetfur followed then around the den, to a large tree where two grave were, her mother, her father.

Grief stabbed her and she bowed her head.

Why did you attack Shadowclan father? If you hadn't, Raggedpelt would have never killed you she thought.

"Those cats you live with are murders" Marmalade hissed.

Pixie nodded, "One day we will advenge his death."

Russetfur turned around and flattened her ears to her head.

"No don't attack again, I don't want bloodshead" she pleaded.

Marmalade frown, "Those cats are bad."

"Not all of them, there are good cats like Blackpaw and-"

Pixie raised her paw, "wait, who is Blackpaw?"

Uh oh…

Russetfur shuffled her paws trying to think of something to say.

"Uh, he's a friend" she said nervously.

Pixie grinned, "He? So this friend's a tom"

Marmalade looked sharply at Russetfur, "does he treat you right?"

She blushed, "guys he just an apprentice, he's too young and he's only a friend. A friend like Boulder."

Marmalade and Pixie nodded, "Uh Jay also died a few days ago."

Russetfur gasped "Great StarClan i'm sorry."

"It's alright, i need to go now, Shadowclan can't know about my vist got it?" She stared them down.

They nodded, "Tell Boulder I say hello."

She smiled, "I will, goodbye."

As she jumped back over the fence to Shadowclan territory, a thought came over her.

Blackpaw is only a friend, right?


Boom! Chapter nine. I wanted Russetfur to have a POV where she still misses her home friends and go to see them.
Marmalade, Pixie and Jay belong to Erin Hunter.

Bye everyone~

Blackstar x RussetfurHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin