Chapter 10

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                 Blackpaw's POV

"What are you doing here" Raggedpelt snarled.

Blackpaw was frozen in fear. Never ever had he been afraid of something like he was now.

"Raggedpelt, let him go" Yellowfang hissed.

He gave her a low growl then let Blackpaw go. He quickly got to his paws and bristled at the deputy.

Raggedpelt glared at him "How much did you hear?"

Blackpaw bowed his head, "Only that you and Yellowfang are having kits" he whispered.

The dark brown tom snarled at him and raised a unsheathed paw.

Blackpaw gasped "I won't say anything to anyone, I promise."

Yellowfang suddenly moved in front of him.


He growled, then slowly put his paw down. Yellowfang turned to him and Blackpaw shivered as her orange-amber gaze met his amber eye.

"Blackpaw, you will not tell anyone about this, got it?" She said sternly.

"Y-yes, I promise I won't tell anyone" he said, shutting his eyes tightly.

"How do we know?" Raggedpelt narrowed his eyes.

Yellowfang whipped her head around, "what are you thinking? He's our clanmate we can't hurt him."

Blackpaw gasped, "Please don't hurt me" he cried out covering his ears and eyes with his paws.

He waited to feel claws on his flesh but instead, he felt a tonge rasp, over his face.

He opened his eyes saw Yellowfang face-to-face with him.

"Were not going to hurt you, you can go now" she said in a gentle tone.

He nodded then quickly ran away from them. And towards the camp.

The angry fire in Raggedpelt's eyes had scared him bad. When he got to camp he ran into the apprentice den.

He fell into his nest. The image of Raggedpelt still haunted him.

Will I always he afraid of him?


Raggedpelt is a d**k. As the story goes on, i think i will have them be friends later on, or maybe Blackpaw will be friends with Brokenstar/Brokenkit. Sorry this is short i'm really tired.

See you all


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