Chapter 26

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Blackfoot's POV

Blackfoot stood there stunned.

"What did you just say?"

Russetfur bowed her head, "I'm expecting kits... your kits."

Blackfoot looked at her, then a huge grin formed.

"Were having kits!" He jumped.

Russetfur looked at him then smiled, "Yes you're going to be a father."

Blackfoot then straightened, "can I tell the clan?" He begged.

"Go ahead" she laughed.

He ran to the camp and Russetfur followed behind.

He ran to Clawface, Nightpelt, Rowanberry, Flintfang and Fernshade.

"Russetfur is having my kits!" He yowled.

Everyone grinned and congraulated him.

Russetfur walked in behind him and he turned around.

"You need to go to the Nursery now" he said pushing her.

Russetfur frowned, "But I just found out I was expecting kits."

"Yea well if you go to the Nursery now, then our kits will be warmer when they grow" He said.

"That doesn't even make sense"she laughed.

"It only gets worst!" Rowanberry yowled to her.

After Blackfoot pushed her to the Nursery he quickly ran and got some new bedding for her.

He walked in and placed her nest at the back of the den, near Featherstorm.

"Blackfoot what are you doing?" She asked.

After Blackfoot was done he called Russetfur in, "There this is cozy for you and are kits."

Russetfur rolled her eyes but purred and laid down into her new nest.

"Can I get you anything?" He asked.

She shook her head, "call me if you need anything" he said then walked out.

Hollyflower ran out to him, "I'm so proud of you, my youngest kit is the first one to have kits."

Blackfoot smiled, "I'm be a great father like Cedarstar" he promised.

She licked his cheek, "I know you will."

Tallpaw ran over to him, "I'll help you care for Russetfur" she offered.

"That's very kind of you, Thank you Tallpaw" he smiled at his apprentice.

As everyone else congragulated him, he felt pride in his heart.

I can't wait to meet my family.


Hey guys i'm back from Fuse, it was really cold but I had fun. Anyways this chapter is short but i had fun writting it, i wanted to show Blackfoot's caring exited side that he's going to be a father.

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