Chapter 13

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                  Russetfur's POV

"Is he going to be alright?" Russetfur whimpered.

Blackpaw was lying in Yellowfang's den. He had cobwebs covering his body. Yellowfang was hovering over him.

"I don't know" she said, putting her paw on his side.

"His breathing sounds normal, and the bleeding stopped."

"The he should be good" Russetfur brightened.

Suddenly he sneezed, and then shuttered.

Yellowfang looked at him, "Leaf-bare is here now, and he's starting to get sick."

Russetfur gasped, "then do something!"

"I am for StarClan's sake!" She hissed.

Raggedpelt walked in, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Can you get Russetfur out of the den please?" She said.

"What no! I wan't to stay with Blackpaw!"

Raggedpelt hissed at her then shoved her out of the den.


"No, if you go back in there, you'll be cleaning the elders den for the next moon" he threatened.

She gasped, "you can't punish me for trying to see my friend!"

"Yes I can, i'm the deputy, and what i say, goes" he snarled.

Russetfur hissed at him then walked away to Hollyflower.

"How are you doing?" She asked softly.

Hollyflower looked her, she looked devestated.

"Ok, i guess"she whispered.

Russetfur gave her a lick on the ear, "I'm sure Blackpaw will be alright."

"I hope so."


The next morning the snow was falling hard. Russetfur could feel the cold from inside the Warriors den.

She got up and made her way to the medicine Cats den. She stopped when she saw Flintpaw and Fernpaw outside of the den.

She ran over to them, "what's wrong" she asked.

Fernpaw's lip quivered, "It's Blackpaw."

Panic flew through her, "what's wrong with him?"

Flintpaw sighed then looked up at her, "Blackpaw has Greencough."


0_0 Uh Oh… Blackpaw's sick, no good for him. Sorry I haven't uploded for a while, not only do I haft to work, but now i coach skiing. Sorry, plus school is starting and exams are at the end of the month. Also Raggedpelt is a d**k so badly!

Till next time…

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