Bonus Chapter (Part 2)

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New York was in shambles. The green signs that hung on every street corner were torn apart, the poles that once held them now ruined, lying broken on the floor.

Tony stared at the only news channel still operating, head spinning a mile a minute.

This is my fault. And I'm going to do whatever it takes to fix it.


Peter woke up, his head throbbing with pain. His eyes unfocused a bit as he struggled to get onto his feet, having been blasted into the rubble after Tony triggered the stone again.

Peter looked around the room, looking for a de-aged Tony.

"Jarvis?" Peter called out. "Where's Tony?"

No response.

Peter started panicking, wildly searching the room in a desperate bid to find Tony.

He could not lose him right now.

According to Peter's calculations, Tony would be around 10 years old now, meaning that he wouldn't even be able to fit in an armor, much less control it.

This meant that Red Skull could easily harm Tony.

And Peter couldn't let that happen.


A figure loomed by the doorway, casting a shadow on the rubble as he neared the hero, mind so crazed that he couldn't think of anything except for what he desperately needed.

Retrieve the infinity stone.

And he was ready to kill to do so.


Natasha let out a frustrated scream as she rammed her blade into the circuit of what seemed like the hundredth robot.

The comms had shorted out when the cell towers got destroyed, making her trapped here, unable to reach Cap or Falcon.

She glanced at Liva, who was wrestling with two robots on her own, having exhausted her little tricks. Nat tazed the robot, distracting it for enough time for Liva to deactivate it. She shot Nat a grateful look as she ran towards the next hundred.

Or thousand. She had lost count long ago.

She didn't know how much longer they could hold them back, and could only hope that Tony and Peter were fixing it as quickly as they could.



Tony hid in his room, having ran after J had told him that Red Skull was near. He was having a hard time digesting the fact that he was trapped in his own house.

Groaning, the now ten year old Tony sifted through his first few suit designs, desperate to find anything the younger version (in time and not form) of Tony had made that could help him out.

He let loose a curse as he threw the picture of him and his dad aside, and was just about to throw the rest away when he spotted something.

Tony pulled the paper closer for inspection, smile widening after each passing second



Peter wiped the blood off his face as he got ready to fight Red Skull again. The person in question screamed out, demanding him to had over the infinity stone.

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