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Anne PoV: I sigh as I climbs out of my moms car and stare up at the new house. I hate that mom had made us move away. Hate that i have no friends at all. It was summer so school wouldn't start for a long time. But at the same time, we were safe. My dad kinda sucks and we had to get away.
"Hey neighbours!" A woman calls, walking over to them with two girls behind her. I notice one is about my age and hiding behind the woman's legs.
"I'm Catherine and these are my girls Anna and Cathy. Short for Catherine" the woman says and I smile, waving enthusiastically at Cathy who shyly waves back.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Jane and this is Anne and Katherine. We just call her Kitty though" her mom says. The moms get into some boring conversation about something dumb like paint and interior design.
"Hi! Its nice to meet you!" I say, skipping over to Cathy and smiling. She was dressed in all blue, including her denim overalls and clutching a blue teddy dog.
"Nice to meet you too" she says shyly, half hiding behind the teddy.
"I like your teddy! I have one too but mine is green. That's my favourite colour. Is your favourite colour blue?" I say, pulling my teddy from my backpack. "This is pogo!"
"This is pepper. And yeah. Blue is my favourite" Cathy says and I nod.
"Pepper is a cool name" I say and Cathy smiles a little.
"Thanks. Pogo is a cool name too" she says as Anna walks over to talk to Kitty, kneeling down to her level. I wasn't very sure on how to talk to Cathy. She was really shy.
"So Cathy what do you like to do? I like to play games and climb trees and ride my bike! I also like drawing and reading" I say and Cathy perks up.
"I love reading!" She says and I grin. Something to talk about!

A few days later

I huff as I storm outside and wriggle under a bush. My mom had yelled at me for something that I didn't even do! Kitty had broken a glass mom liked and blamed me for it.
"Hi Anne!" I look up to see Cathy sitting cross legged on the other side of the fence with a book on her lap. There was a few holes in it meaning we were able to see each other perfectly.
"Hey Cathy" I say sadly, looking at her.
"What's wrong?"
"My mom got mad at me for something I didn't even do. She doesn't care about me at all! She loves Kitty more. Nobody loves me!" I say starting to cry.
"It's okay Anne! You have me. I was too scared to say it when my mom brought us over to say hello but do you wanna be friends?" Cathy says and I nod.
"Okay! Best friends?"
"Yeah!" Cathy giggles and we reach through the hole to shake hands.
"Annie mommy said to come inside! Annie? Where are you?" Kitty calls and I gasp, putting a finger to my lips. Suddenly I'm lifted out of my hiding spot and am face to face with my mom.
"Moooooom! I was talking to Cathy" I whine and mom smiles.
"You Can talk to her later. We've been invited for dinner at her house. Me and her mother decided we'd make it a monthly thing that we host dinner for each other's family so you gotta take a bath" she says and I pout, refusing to look at her and instead looking to where Cathy was waving goodbye and walking back to her own house I wave too and smile at her.
"Anne, my little lamb I'm sorry I got mad at you. I was just scared you'd cut yourself off the broken glass" mom says, putting me down and kneeling so we were face to face.
"Okay mommy. I'm sorry for running away" I say, giving her a hug. I'm carried inside and mom pulls a dress out for me.
"Aww mommy! No!" I protest and she just smiles.
"It's only for tonight" she says, getting me into the bath and scrubbing the mud off my hands and knees. I don't like dresses much. I like pants better because I can climb trees and play fun games in them.


Jane PoV: Being a single mom was not easy. But i wouldn't trade my girls for the world. I was handling it pretty well. Juggling the dynamic duo and working at the hospital as a nurse. I manage to get Anne into the dress I'd gotten her despite her protests. I'd gotten her and Kitty dresses. Anne's was green and Kitty's was pink. Their favourite colours. If I'd left it up to them, Anne would be wearing jeans and her favourite sweater. Kitty would be following suit. I get myself ready while watching my rambunctious older daughter so she wouldn't cause any chaos.
"Anne remember what we said about jumping on the bed?" I say, fixing the last pin into my hair and catching her mid bounce.
"Only my one?"
"No" I give her the mom look and she smiles sheepishly.
"No jumping on the bed?" She says and I nod, getting Kitty from where she was playing in her room and walking next door with them. The older daughter, Anna, opens the door in a pair of jeans and a nice shirt and Anne looks at me indignantly.
"Why couldn't I have worn an outfit like Anna's?!" She grumbles and I laugh.
"Trust me kid. It was a struggle to be allowed wear this. If mi madre loca had her way, id have a dress on too" Anna says with a chuckle as she lets us in.
"I heard that young lady!" Catherine calls, coming into the hallway.
"Cathys upstairs in her room if you'd like to go play with her Anne" she says as Kitty runs off with Anna who had offered to play with her.


Cathy PoV: I hate dresses. But mine was blue so I can't complain. I sit on my bed to read when my door opens.
"Hi Cathy! Your mom said you were up here!" It was Anne. I put my book down and run to hug her.
"Hi Anne! Wanna play until dinner is ready?" I say and Anne nods.
"Sure! What do you wanna play?" She says and I shrug.
"Not sure. We can't play anything messy because of our nice clothes" I say, looking at her. Her dress was like mine but in green. Anna was supposed to be bought a red one but she refused point blank to wear it. And mom actually listened to her!
"Anna's so lucky. She doesn't have to wear any boring old dresses" Anne says almost as if reading my mind.
"I know right?! I'm so jealous. I'd much rather wear my overalls and a nice shirt but mom said no"
"I wanted to wear my favourite hoodie and my nice jeans that I wear for occasions but my mom said no" Anne says and we both laugh. We are way more alike than I thought.

Holes in the fenceWhere stories live. Discover now