Best friends

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Cathy PoV: me and Anne had chosen to read to pass the time. She looked really deeply into her book. Eventually we get called for dinner and we walk downstairs. There was a really nice smell. My mom always made nice dinners. We sit side by side as food is passed around. Anne sits patiently until everyone has food and my mom says grace. Then once she ensures everyone is eating, she digs in. Who'd have thought. The energetic and outgoing Anne Boleyn Seymour having that level of manners? Yeah. In the few hours we've known each other, I got her all figured out. She is outgoing. And energetic. She stays uncharacteristically quiet the whole time while she eats, her eyes flitting around to glance briefly at everyone. I nudge her knee with mine and grin at her. She smiles too and eats another forkful of food. Her last one at that. Everyone else finishes and Anne is quick to help bring the plates to the sink. I jump up and help her and both our moms smile at us.

The next day

Me and Anne were playing outside with a ball I had when a boy walks over to us. Henry. He was the biggest and meanest boy ever! He was 8 like Anna but was the size of a 12 year old.
"Aww look. It's the scrawny pipsqueak!" He laughs, shoving me over and laughing.
"Ew go away. Stinky boy!" Anne says, pushing him hard.
"You go away. Stinky girl" Henry says, throwing Pepper into a tree and shoving Anne over too.
"Losers!" He laughs, running off back to his own house.
"Ugly!" Anne yells after him, standing up and pulling me up after her.
"Ohhh how am I gonna get pepper down?" I ask, looking up. I couldn't let Anne see me cry! She passes the ball to me and runs over.
"I can get her!" Anne says, climbing up the tree and throwing Pepper down. I catch her and watch in admiration as Anne climbs down and hangs upside down from the lowest branch, her long dark hair hanging down into my face.
"thanks Anne" I say and she smiles.
"You're welcome! Who is that boy? He smells weird!" She says and I giggle.
"That's Henry. He's a bully" I say, sitting cross legged beneath the tree.
"Anne! Come on it's time to go shopping!" Anne's mom calls and Anne gasps.
"My birthday?!"
"Yes dear! Come on!"
"I'll see you later Cathy. I'm gonna ask my mom if you and your family can come for the party!" Anne says, clambering down and hugging me before running off to meet her mom.

The next day

Anne PoV: we were at the park. Me and Cathy were allowed run around the playground but we had to have the other two with us. Luckily Anna was willing to look after Kitty so me and Cathy were playing on the monkey bars. She was going across and I was waiting for my turn. Suddenly as shes about to get to the end, Henry comes along and drags her off.
"Cathy!" I yell, jumping down off the ladder and running to her side. Her ankle looked funny.
"Hah! What a loser" Henry laughs and I punch him in the face just as Anna runs over with Kitty.
"I got this. Go get the moms" Anna says, laying in on Henry. I run across the park and grab Cathy's mom's arm and my moms.
"Mom! Miss Aragon! A mean boy pulled Cathy off the monkey bars and hurt her!" I say and they both jump up and follow me to where Cathy is sitting on the ground with Kitty and Anna. Henry was gone leaving just a puddle of blood in his place.
"Oh my poor girl" Miss Aragon says, stroking Cathy's hair while my mom gently examines Cathy's ankle.
"It's broken. We'll need to get her to the hospital" my mom says and I look up.
"Can I go with her?" I ask and Miss Aragon nods with a smile.
"Of course! I think she'd be very happy having some good company" she says, laughing when Anna gasps.
"Hey! I'm kind of offended by that one mom!" she says and I giggle, reaching over and holding Cathy's hand. I stay holding her hand for most of it. Then the doctor comes out and asks her what colour cast she'd like.
"We have pink, blue, red or plain white" he says and Cathy mumbles something to me.
"She'd like blue please. She really likes blue" I say and the doctor smiles.
"Well aren't you very good to know what she likes? Are you two friends?"
"Uh huh! Best friends!" I say happily, giving her a hug. Cathy giggles and hugs back while the cast is put on. When we get out- Cathy on some AWESOME neon green crutches- my mom is waiting for us with Anna and Kitty.
"Mom can i break my leg so I can get awesome green crutches?" I ask and my mom laughs.
"Anne, lamb, you wouldn't want to break your leg. It's very very painful" she says and I frown.
"But mooooom!"


Catherine PoV: I smile as I watch the interaction between Anne and Jane. They were a great mother/daughter duo. And Anne was such a good friend to Cathy.
"Hey. We're having a party on Friday for Anne's birthday. Would you three like to come?" Jane says and I smile.
"We would love to! What time?"
"Around half four. Casual dress of course. I don't think the girls appreciated us stuffing them into dresses last night" Jane says with a laugh.
"Definitely not. I think Anna is still mad at me for just trying to put her in one" I say, looking at Anna who was playing tea parties with Kitty. Such a tomboy and yet she softened around the younger girl. It was adorable.
"I'm really glad Anne has found a friend in Cathy. She usually finds it difficult to get along with other kids" Jane says and I smile.
"And I'm glad Cathy has found a friend in Anne. She's really come out of her shell since meeting her!" I say as I look at Cathy who was sitting close to Anne while they read a book together.
"They're definitely best friends anyways" Jane says with a smile.

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