Braces, glasses and fantasy games

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Cathy PoV: I didn't want braces. No way. I clamp my mouth shut as I sit hidden in me and Anne's special hiding space. She was there too, hiding from her mom because she was supposed to get glasses.
"I don't want braces. It's gonna hurt" I mumble and Anne reaches through to grab my hand.
"I'll kinda be there. Cuz of the necklace!" She says and I smile, squeezing her hand.
"Thanks Anne" I whisper just as Anna comes and kneels beside me.
"So this is where you two hide out? Neato. Anyways Cathy. Mom says that you have to come and get ready to go or else you won't be allowed play outside for a week" she says and I gasp, letting go of Anne's hand.
"Good luck. I can't wait to see your braces. You're gonna look so cool!" she says and I smile.
"Thanks Anne. I can't wait to see your glasses!" I say, following Anna into the house.

Time skip

We were gonna be meeting Anne, Kitty and Jane in the shopping centre to go school supply shopping. And for lunch. I was only allowed soup because of the braces. My mouth was hurting so much. But I was able to get ones with green rubber bands because they had no blue and green is my second favourite colour. When we meet Anne and her family, she's wearing blue rectangular glasses.
"They didn't have nice green ones so I got my second favourite colour" she says and I smile.
"Hey! Cool braces! I like the green"
"They had no blue" I say and Anne smiles.
"Now we have each other's colours forever!" She says, hugging me. She looked so cool with her glasses. We get dragged from shop to shop getting everything and then sit down for lunch. Anne gets soup too so I'm not alone. Despite how much she loves chicken dippers. Which were also on the menu. We eat and then go for a walk around. My braces were hurting me.
"You okay Cathy?" Anne asks, fixing her glasses.
"Yeah. My cheeks hurt from my braces" I say and Anne smiles, kissing both my cheeks.
"Does that help?" She asks and I nod.
"Yeah. A little bit!"


Anne PoV: my glasses were pretty cool. I like that they're blue. Cathy had really cool green rubber bands in her braces. I don't know why I kissed her cheeks. But it made her happy! When we get home we open the gate and play a game where Anna is a monster, Kitty is an evil witch and I'm a princess. And Cathy is the knight that saves me. We use the swing set in Cathy's garden because it had a slide and fort at the side. My garden had a slide and a small trampoline and a playhouse which kitty used as her witches lair. She makes potions with water and grass and flowers and sprinkles some on Anna who pretends she's been made into a monster because of it.


Cathy PoV: I watch Anna playing the monster as she captures Anne and traps her in the little fort thing. I run into battle with a plastic sword and smack her with it until she pretends to die and kitty drags her away in a wagon thing. I climb up the slide and Anne giggles, giving me a hug that sends us both down the slide. She lands on top of me so our noses are touching and smiles.
"Why thank you brave knight! Let me reward you for your bravery" she giggles, kissing my forehead and helping me stand up. Her glasses were askew so I fix them for her.
"Let's swap! Now Anne will be the knight and you be the princess" Anna says, coming over with Kitty.
"Yeah! Ooh let's make a whole story up!" Anne says, jumping up and down.
"Yeah!" Anna says with a grin, getting us into Anne's trampoline.
"Okay so the brave knight and the princess live together in their castle. One day the evil witch creates a monster who kidnaps the princess!" Anna says, getting more of kitty's potion she made thrown at her and carrying me to the fort thing.
"The brave knight wanted to save the princess but the witch had an evil plan. She makes a potion that makes the entire floor around the knight and princess's castle lava!" Kitty giggles as she dumps the remainder of her potion into the grass. Anne gasps as she watches and then proceeds to climb her swing set and across the top of the playhouse to get over the fence to my garden. More specifically, the huge tree that was growing there.
"After getting over the lava, the brave knight dropped into the monsters lair!" Anna says as Anne gets into my trampoline from a branch and gets tackled by Anna.
"But the monster was no match for the knight and is defeated" she says, dropping dramatically out of the trampoline and Anne laughs, pretending to stab her.
"After defeating the monster, the brave knight made her way to free the princess but the witch gets there first and battles the knight for the princesses freedom!" I laugh as Anne allows her little sister to tackle her and they play fight until finally Anna pipes in again.
"With the witch finally defeated, the knight scales the tower and frees the princess" Anne fake stabs kitty and giggles as she attempts to climb the slide, hugging me when she reaches the top.
"With her princess safe and sound, brave knight brings her back to the castle and they live happily ever after" Anne smiles as we slide down together and run back to her trampoline.

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