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Anne PoV: I smile as me and Cathy sit side by side in her room to write our Christmas lists.
Dear Santa,
I don't really know what I want this year. I'm really happy with what I already have. What more do I need? I have all I actually need. I have a mom who loves me lots and lots and I have a little sister who is annoying but lovable. And I have a really awesome best friend. Her sister and mom are cool too. All six of us are like one big super happy family. I suppose if I was to ask for something I'd ask for walkie talkies so me and Cathy can talk easier. The Can phones are fun but really hard to hear through when the window is closed. We have to yell into them. So there's that. I guess a giant beanbag would be fun too if that's not too big to get down the chimney. A green one. I also would like some books and art stuff. But what I want most is to know how to not stress my mom out so much. She's tired a lot because I keep getting into trouble. She doesn't know this but I heard her crying the night me and Cathy decided we'd come back after running away. I made her sad and I don't like that. I made Kitty sad too. I want us all to have a super fun Christmas. And for my dad to stay in jail forever because he's mean! If you visit jails can you give him a super big bag of nothing? He's so bad that he shouldn't even get coal!
Thanks in advance-
Anne Boleyn Seymour, age 8
P.S. can you make sure my best friend Cathy, her mom and her sister have a super Christmas too?
I doodle a picture of both our families at the end of the page and put it into the envelope.


Cathy PoV: I don't know what I want for Christmas! Why is it so hard to choose? I know Anne was asking for walkie talkies so all I can think of is things my mom and sister want.
Dear Santa.
All I really want is a big blue beanbag and some books. I really really want my mom and sister to have a great Christmas. I know Anna wants new basketball boots. The red ones with black and gold stars on them. She also wants a skateboard. I'll buy her the safety gear for it. I know my mom wants a nice Christmas too. And some baking stuff. My mom makes really nice cookies. I also want her to know how sorry I am I made her sad by running away. It wasn't nice of me. I just want my family and my best friend Anne's family to have the best Christmas ever.
Thank you
Catherine Parr Aragon- age 8 (yep. My mom and I share a name. That's the coolest!)
"Come on let's give our moms our letters" I say as I put mine into an envelope and stand up, grabbing Anne's hand and pulling her with me.


Jane PoV: "so yeah. Christmas together sounds great Catherine" I say as I sip my tea. Me and Catherine had become great friends thanks to the girls. It was nice to have a good friend. Charles never allowed me to have friends. Ugh. I hate that man. Leaving two little kids at a rest stop is the lowest of the low. He always said we were perfect, a perfect family. But who needs him?
"Jane? You okay? You've been glaring at your tea for five minutes now" Catherine says and I look up.
"Oh just thinking about how angry I am at that jerk for abandoning the girls like that" I say "Catherine can I tell you something?"
"Sure. What's up?" Catherine says, pulling her chair closer.
"You're kinda the first proper friend I've had. Your family is the first friend any of us have had. Charles never left us socialise. Anne even got homeschooled until we moved here. He uh...he used to be kinda abusive too. The last straw was the night he hit me and Anne saw. She was terrified Catherine. So I filed for divorce. Got a safety order. Seriously. A safety order. He was still in the house with us! How is that safety?!" I say and Catherine nods.
"I always question that. Working in law always has these things" she says, rubbing my back gently.
"The day we moved here was probably the best. I'm sorry I lied about the whole thing" I say and she hugs me.
"It's okay. You just knew it was hard to talk about it and I'm proud that you were able to tell me about this" she says just as the four girls come in. I hope they didn't hear anything.

That night

I smile as I wipe away a tear while reading Anne's Christmas list. Thats probably my favourite thing about her. She's so loving and cares about others. I write down what both the girls want and hide the lists. It was time for shopping. I was sitting up skimming through a book, thankful that I didn't have a shift tonight when my door cracks open and Anne peeks in.
" Can I stay with you tonight please?" I instantly jump up when I hear her voice crack and see the light from my lamp reflecting off the tears in her eyes and scoop her up into my arms.
"Of course baby. What's wrong?" I say as I sit on the bed with her curled up on my lap.
"I had a nightmare" she mumbles, resting her head on my shoulder "about dad" that's all the explanation I need. I lay down with her curled up in my arms and stroke her hair.
"It's okay he's gone. He can't do anything" I whisper as she buries her face in my shoulder.

Christmas Day

Anne PoV: I love Christmas! I laugh as I slide down the banister and land in a heap at the bottom of the stairs. Anna had taught me and Cathy how to do it. She was a little nervous but I loved doing it.
"Anne Boleyn Seymour if you do that any more you're gonna hurt yourself" my mom says. But she wasn't mad. She was laughing too, carrying kitty down because she was still sleepy.
"I can't help it mom! I'm excited" I say, jumping up and smiling at her.
"Okay. Okay. Come on. Let's go see what you guys got"


Cathy PoV: the one day a year I have to wear dresses is Christmas. My grandparents were over and we'd gone to the earliest mass ever! And my grandmother made me and Anna wear dresses. Mine was this gross poofy pink thing and so was Anna's. She looks hilarious in hers. Then again, so do I. The dresses were just ew. But grandma said they looked pretty. Once we got back, we were allowed wear whatever we want. So now I get to wear black jeans and a blue shirt. Anna was dressed similarly but with red and black. We sit side by side as we open our presents. The ones from Santa were first. I'd gotten a letter writing kit, some cool clothes, books, a giant beanbag, games for my ds and a football.
"What does a girl want with a football?" My grandma asks and my mom shakes her head.
"She's more outdoorsy than sit around and do nothing" she says and I nod.
"Uh huh. I can't wait to play football with Anne!" I say and Anna grins.


Anna PoV: I love how close Cathy and Anne are. I also love my gifts that Santa brought. I know the truth but I play along for Cathy and now for Anne and Kitty too. I'd gotten the basketball boots I wanted. And the skateboard. And the basketball hoop and basketball set. And also games for my PlayStation. The grandparents leave after lunch and after about 10 minutes, there's a knock at the door. Cathy runs ahead of us to open it. It was a knock we'd become accustomed to. Jane. Cathy gets the door open and shrieks with laughter when Anne hugs her and pretty much lifts her off the ground.
"Merry Christmas Anne!"
"Merry Christmas Cathy!" They both laugh and run off to the back garden to play and I smile at Kitty who was bundled up.
"Hey Kitty! Merry Christmas. Did Santa come?" I say and she nods ecstatically.
"Yeah! I got a bike and dolls and stuffs for my hair and a flute and mommy is getting me lessons!" She says and I smile.
"Well that's awesome!" I say and she smiles wide, showing off the gap in her teeth from when she'd lost a tooth a week earlier.


Anne PoV: "I got DS games and a giant beanbag and lots of art things and some books. Ooh and walkie talkies! There's a blue and a green one so I wanted you to say what one you wanted first" I say, holding out the walkie talkies to Cathy. As I kinda guessed, she takes the blue one and starts telling me about what she got.
"I wonder if Santa gave me the last thing I wanted. For my dad to have nothing for Christmas. Not even coal" i say and Cathy laughs.
"Not even coal?"
"Yeah! Bad people get coal but he was so bad he doesn't even deserve that!"
"Well I Hope my dad got the same then! And I hope all the other people got gifts and they had to see them" she says. Wow! Cathy never wishes bad on others.
"Oh! And I got you this" I say, pulling the present out of my pocket. It was a blue slap band watch. She opens it and smiles, putting it on instantly.
"Thanks Anne! I got you something too!" She hands me a gift and I smile when I open it. It was a watch like hers but in green.
"Thanks Cathy!" I say, putting it on and smiling. Best Christmas ever

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