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Anne PoV: Back at school. I sigh as I walk in and make sure Kitty gets to her class before going to my own. Some stupid boy was staying in Cathy's house while she was away. He was going to school here too! And sitting beside me where Cathy was supposed to be. He was gross. He stank and talked non stop. He thought we would be friends just because he had glasses and I did too.
"I like your necklace. Where'd you get it?" He says and I roll my eyes.
"From my actual best friend. She has the green one of it" I say, not looking at him. Luckily the teacher walks in and he's not allowed talk to me. Good. I don't like him.


"Anne ready to go?" My mom calls. It's Halloween. I don't want to go trick or treating. Not without Cathy.
"I don't want to!" I call back, lying under my bed hugging pepper. We'd swapped teddies so we wouldn't be alone. Except I feel super lonely.
"Anne? Oh my little lamb. I know you're missing Cathy. But she wouldn't like to hear that you were sad" my mom says. She's right. Cathy would hate hearing that I'm sad. That'd make her sad too. I think for a second and then roll out from under my bed.
"There she is! Cmon. Let's get your costume on and get going" my mom says, helping me into my dead sheep costume. I get tons of sweets but then spend the next few days vomiting because I ate too many.


"Hey! Stop that!" I yell, pushing Henry back. He was being an idiot and picking on Kitty. He'd pushed her over and stole her favourite stuffed cat. He laughs and throws the teddy into a tree before cycling off on his bike. I get into the tree and toss Kitty her teddy just as my mom comes out.
"Girls come in. Dinner's ready. Anne what did I say about climbing trees?" She says, holding out her arms to help me down. I let her and explain exactly why I was in the tree.
"It's not that I don't allow it you silly lamb. I just need you to be careful. We don't need you breaking any more bones!" she says and I laugh as she pokes my nose.


We spend Christmas at my grandparents house. That's fun. I guess. Except I don't much like mom's brother. He gives me creepy vibes. He can't do much because me and Kitty stay with mom the whole time. I just miss Cathy. Mom lets me Skype her but she can't talk for long because her family is going to church and she's using her moms mobile data. We stay until New Years and then go home. Thank goodness.


Back at school again. That stupid boy, Luke was still in Cathy's house. In what was supposed to be her seat in class beside me. Following me like I was his friend. Gross! Kitty's been missing Anna. She idolises the older girl who is always so so sweet to her. I miss Cathy. It's been soooo long since I saw her. When me and Kitty get home, there's an envelope on my bed with my name and address on it. I could recognise the handwriting on it anywhere. Cathy! I smile and open it, sitting cross legged to read it.
Hi Anne!
Ugh I miss you so much. I'm stuck wearing dresses every day and Anna and I don't get to play any of the games we usually do because we are expected to be prim and proper. That's not much fun. I suppose it does include reading which is pretty fun. But I don't like that we don't get to run around and get all muddy like every day. When I get home we are so going to the lake. I'm gonna ask my mom to bring me and you and kitty and Anna and your mom. Maybe they can bring us camping! They're actually responsible and it'll be way more fun. But yeah. I miss you every day and can't wait to come home. Anna says hi. So does my mom. They're writing their own letters but they wanted me to say hi to you for them. I'm going horse riding soon but I'll have to sit side saddle with this dress! Wait til you hear what I'm wearing. It's this big pink poofy thing with loads of frills and sparkles. And my hair is in bunches like I used to wear when we were kids and first met. Tied with pink ribbons. I bet you're having way more fun. I can't wait to be able to wear my fun clothes again and to have my hair down. They let me wear my necklace and watch because they say every lady should wear accessories.
See you soon,
Cathy :)
I grin as I sit at my desk and get my stuff out to write my own letter. I'm so happy I got a letter from Cathy.
Dear Cathy,
Dresses sound so boring. Remember when our moms made us wear dresses for that dinner thing? My mom keeps accidentally setting extra places every month and I have to remind her that you guys aren't here. Then I start crying and she has to try to calm me down. She's sad too. Your mom is her most best friend ever and she's bored without someone to talk to. Mrs Marshall who's renting your house is sooooooooo boring. Her son, Luke, is even worse. He's smelly and thinks we're friends. No way! You're the only friend I need. Tell Anna and your mom I said hi! I miss them just as much as I miss you. Nothing super interesting happened. But something totally epically cool did! Henry got sent to a juvenile detention centre for stealing from an old lady! Imagine that. Getting sent away at only 10 years old. I keep going out to the bushes. Our spot. Sometimes when I'm extra sad I put my hand through one of the holes and pretend you're there on the other side. I'm gonna say it to my mom about camping and the lake too. Maybe we could do a camping trip at the lake! But at one far away so it's more fun.
I'll see you when you get back. I miss you!
Anne :)


Every day is longer and longer. I keep waiting to see Catherine pulling into the driveway and get a hug from her and a high five from Anna and then a super big hug from Cathy. Kitty and mom miss them too. It's just so boring. Mom has been trying to get me to play with Luke but he just doesn't do it properly. He tries to kiss me when he "saves" me from a "witch" but shoves Kitty so hard that she falls over and scrapes her knees. I shove him back and help Kitty back to our house.
"Mom I am never ever playing with that stinky Luke ever again! Look what he did to Kitty! He's mean" I say as me and Kitty walk inside. She was crying and blood was dribbling down her legs.
"Oh my poor little Kit-Kat!" My mom coos, cleaning her up and bandaging her knees.
"That's it. You don't have to play with him anymore. You guys can keep each other company right?" She says and I nod.

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