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Kitty PoV: "would you like to tell me exactly WHY you punched the teacher?" My mom says and I sigh.
"You wouldn't get it! I knew you'd be angry at me for it!" I yell and she shakes her head.
"Then tell me Kitty. What on Earth provoked you to punch him?" She was really angry now. Yeah. I'd punched Mr Mannox. He locked me in a room and well...let's just say it hurt.
"Katherine Howard Seymour. Are you going to explain yourself?" My mom days and I yell out the explanation before I can stop myself. She gasps and pulls over, hugging me.
"Oh kitkat! Baby I'm sorry I got mad before you could explain. Come on. We're going back there. It's my turn to lay one on him"
"He's hurt enough as it is. They could stop me but not Cas" I say and she chuckles as she starts driving again and pulls up outside Anne's school. The principal was waiting there with her and mom groans.
"Kitty wait in the car. Your sister clearly did something she wasn't meant to. Again" she says, getting out of the car.


Jane PoV: as i get closer, I see that Anne's knuckles are messed up and she's bleeding from her nose and a bust lip. Both my girls were fighters. She even had a black eye to top it off.
"What did you do Anne?" I say and she smiles sheepishly.
"I um...I..." she trails off and the principal sighs.
"Your daughter got into a fight" he says, shaking his head. "She's suspended for three days" I sigh and thank him, walking with Anne to the car.
"Sorry not sorry. Blame Henry"
"Anne you're the one who punched him. What provoked this?!" I say as we get in.
"He started it! He...he had Cathy pinned against a locker and was...was touching her and she was begging him to stop but he wouldn't and so I punched him"
"You really need to keep your temper in check lamb. But it's very nice that you stood up for Cathy like that" I say as Cathy and Anna come out and get into the car. Me and Catherine made it a thing that I'd do pick ups if she was working and vice versa.

A few hours earlier

Anne PoV: "Stop! Let go of me!" I could hear Cathy screaming and run down the hall, my heart stopping when I see Henry pinning Cathy to a locker, one hand keeping her there and the other unbuttoning her pants. Her shirt was torn open and she had a cut on her cheek
"LET HER GO!" I yell, running at Henry and punching him in the face. I toss Cathy my hoodie to cover herself up with and that's when Henry swung back. We battle for a while and I end up with a cut lip, bruised and cut knuckles and a black eye. He was way worse off. He lays there whining like a little bitch and I turn to mop the blood off Cathy's cheek with a tissue.
"Anne you're gonna get in so much trouble" she whispers and I smile.
"Worth it. I battled a monster to save you for real this time" I say and she laughs, hugging me.
"Dang what happened to Sir Hideous?" Anna says, walking over to us and I explain the situation.
"Touch her again and I'll rip your dick off" she says, kicking Henry and smiling at us.
"You're gonna get into a hell of a lot of trouble Anne"

Current time

Cathy PoV: what was I gonna do without Anne around?! She and I did everything together. So much so that our moms would joke about it. Even Kitty and Anna would joke about it.
"Anne what are we gonna do now? I can't deal with these three days alone" I whisper and she smiles, draping an arm around my shoulders.

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