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Catherine PoV: "Charles and Arthur are late" I grumble. The girls were 9, 8 and 6 now and their fathers just so happened to become prison buddies bonding over fatherhood. Isn't that just great? Jane was standing beside me equally as annoyed. Anna was sitting with kitty playing a game with the ball she'd brought and Cathy and Anne were chasing each other around. Finally, just two hours after they were supposed to arrive, the two men roll up in a rickety minivan.
"Now Arthur remember. Cathy's allergic to nuts and to birch" I say and he waves it off nonchalantly.
"Don't worry. I'll remember if he doesn't!" Anna and Anne say at the same time.
"And Charles please please remember Anne is severely allergic to pine, raspberries and nettles. This is important!" Jane says and Charles nods.
"Okay so Cathy nuts and birch, Anne pine and nettles" Anna says, writing it down in a notebook while Cathy does the same.
"Don't worry Jane. I'll remember" she says as Anne slings her backpack onto her back.
"Yeah and I gots my medications so I'll be fine!" She says cheerily and Cathy grins.
"Me too! This will be super fun!"


Anne PoV: fun. Sure. I don't exactly want to go camping with my dad. My mom moved us here because he was mean! He never hurt me or kitty but he was really mean to mom. And he sold my bike to get drugs which is why i am so glad I got my new one. Also he left me and kitty in the car when we were kids and he wanted to buy alcohol. Great guy huh? He's been in jail since Kitty was three so she doesn't see him as such a bad guy. I glare at him as I walk to the minivan and hear my mom sigh.
"Anne, lamb, try to pretend you love him for the weekend at least" she says, giving me one last hug.
"Okay mom. Love you!" I say and she smiles, kissing my forehead.
"Love you too lamb!" She says and moves to say goodbye to kitty.


Cathy PoV: I hate my dad. There. I said it. He's been in jail since I was four. He tried to sell me for alcohol money once. Luckily Anna saw and bit him on the leg until he started bleeding and screamed so loud my mom heard and saw him. She kicked him out that day. He got arrested for breaking into the house a few days later. Came right in my bedroom window. So we moved here. And then Anne came along two years later.
"Okay bud. Try anything funny and you'll get a scar to match the other one" Anna says, pointing to the scar she left on his leg from biting him. She was not a force to be messed with. Would my dad even remember my allergies? Luckily, Anna had everyone's written down.
"Oh and Charles! Kitty is allergic to blueberries" Jane says as I go and sit beside Anne and Anna sits beside Kitty, making a note of her allergy.
"And I'm allergic to deadbeats" she says, pretending to collapse which cracks me and Anne up and makes kitty gasp.
"Anna? Are you dead?"

Time skip

Anne PoV: Great. We're in the woods and I'm already having an allergic reaction because my dad oh so stupidly put me, Cathy, Anna and Kitty's tent over a nettle patch.
" my bag" I wheeze, trying to grab my epipen. Luckily Anna was with us and knew what to do.
"Hey asswipes! Good job almost killing a quarter of the kiddie crew!" She yells, walking out of the tent carrying me on her back and leading kitty and Cathy along.
"You put our tent on nettles" Cathy says and my dad chuckles.
"Oops! Let's shift it then" he says. Wow. Great reaction! I could've died but yeah. No big. Now I have a huge rash on my leg from where I landed down on the patch.


Anna PoV: men are idiots. Literally. What kind of dad doesn't even remember his kids allergy? I help move the tent and scour the area for everything. The rest of the trip goes by in a blur. I feel like I had to be a mom because the dads kept giving us trail mix and mixed berries to eat. So I picked out the nuts and ate them. And the blueberries and raspberries too. Then tried to get us to join in climbing this giant birch tree. The swimming in the lake was fun though. At least there was that. We stop off at a rest stop for a bit to get food and honestly that was the highlight. The waitresses made a big fuss over Kitty because she's adorable, a fuss over the girls because they were doing everything in unison and then a fuss over me because I'm responsible for my age according to them. They say that because I kept the girls in check, making sure they didn't get any of their allergy foods, getting them situated and generally just making sure they were happy.


Cathy PoV: me and Anne head to the bathroom and when we get back, everyone's gone.
"They're probably waiting in the parking lot" Anne says, grabbing my hand and leading me outside. There's a few cars there but none of them are the rickety old minivan.
"Oh Anne! They forgot us!" I say, clinging tighter to her hand.
"Im sure it's just a joke. They have to be here somewhere!" Anne sounded just as scared as I felt.
"Anne what are we gonna do? We don't have any money. All our stuff is in the car!" I say, starting to cry. I was never gonna see my mom ever again!


Anne PoV: when I see Cathy crying I know i have to do something. I don't like seeing her sad.
"I have an idea! My mom always says that if I get lost to tell a grown up!" I say and Cathy looks at me, her face all wet with tears.
"Who are we gonna tell?"
"What about that nice waitress who really liked me, you Anna and Kitty?" When I say my little sisters name I start to feel a little upset. I was sometimes so mean to her and now I'll never see her again. I feel myself start to cry and Cathy hugs me.
"Come on Anne. Let's go inside. It's cold out here" she says, leading me inside and finding a waitress.
"Oh dear. Are you two lost?" She asks, getting out. I feel Cathy's grip tighten more on my hand and I nod.
"We got left behind. Can you call the police for us please miss?" I say and the lady nods, calling the police and sitting at a table with us until they come.


Jane PoV: it was close to midnight when those morons arrived with the girls. Kitty comes hurtling out and straight into my arms sobbing.
"They left Annie and Cathy!" She cries as Anna comes out carrying all the stuff.
"Those jerks left them. I said that they were inside but they wouldn't turn back!" She says, turning to the two men so furiously that it takes me, Catherine and Kitty to hold her back from killing them both then and there. One look at us is what it takes to calm her. But it doesn't calm me or Catherine. I hand kitty to Anna and storm up to him with Catherine.
"You left them behind?" I hiss. I'd become just as protective of Cathy and Anna as I am of my girls and Catherine was protective of kitty and Anne. Just as I'm about to punch my asshole of an ex, a police car and tow truck pull up and the girls practically fall over each other to run to us.
"Sirs you'll need to come for me for child endangerment and abandonment" the officer says and both Charles and Arthur go pale.
"Whoops. Back to jail I guess" I say, holding Anne close. We watch with smiles as they get taken by the police and their car is taken by the tow truck.
"I don't wanna go camping anymore" Anne mumbles against my side.
"What about if you go with two very careful mommies?" I ask and she looks up.
"I guess. But the dads put our tent on nettles and tried to feed us nuts and blueberries and tried to make Cathy climb a tree she's allergic to"
"Life lesson my dear. Men are idiots. Now come on let's get to bed. You two are staying with me because I missed my babies so so much" I say as we say goodnight and go inside.

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