Bullies suck

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Anna PoV: me and the girls were sitting outside talking when that jerk bag Henry came over.
"Hey chair girl" he sneers, standing over Cathy.
"Go away. We're busy" Cathy says and Henry laughs.
"Go away. We're busy" he mocks and me and Anne stand up.
"Back off jerkface" Anne says angrily, shoving him and making him fall. His eyes water and he starts to cry, getting up and running away.
"Whoa! Someone video it!" I yell and Anne laughs.
"Anne he's gonna be really mad when he recovers from that" Cathy whispers and Anne smiles.
"I can fight him. He's just a dumb bully!" She says confidently.

A few days later

Cathy PoV: why do people have to be so mean?! I was minding my own business, reading a book when a group of girls came over to me and started making fun of me. Anne got into trouble for yelling at them and they got off without any repercussions! How unfair is that?! When I become a teacher, I'm gonna make sure that only the mean kids get in trouble and kids who stand up for themselves or their friends don't.
"Hey Cathy" Anne says, sliding down the railing of the wheelchair ramp and sitting on the floor beside my chair.
"Well? How'd it go?" I ask and she smiles.
"One hundred lines. I must not get angry at other people. How dumb is that? They should have lines. I'm stupid and shouldn't be a bully. Now that's fair" she says with a giggle.
"Anne! That's not a nice word" Kitty says, coming to join us.
"Well the people I'm using it for aren't nice people so it's balanced out" Anne says with a nonchalant shrug.
"Hey bookworm! We're wheely sorry we bullied you" and they were back. This time they were heard by the principal and she told them off before turning to face us.
"They're the reason I have those lines!" Anne says quickly and the principal nods.
"Okay. No lines. But keep that temper in check okay? Now you three. Come with me" She says, walking away with the girls . We sit talking for a while and then Jane comes.
"Hey you three. Cathy, your mom asked me to watch you and Anna. Some case came up and she can't get out of work" she says and I smile.
"Aw sweet! We get to have Cathy and Anna over for ages?" Anne says excitedly as she helps me into the car.
"Yep. Now come on. Let's go get Anna. It's of my understanding that there's a lot of planning going for Halloween" Jane says as we tie our seatbelts and she gets into the car too.


Anna PoV: Won't be able to collect you today. Work stuff. Jane's gonna collect you and Cathy today
I send a quick reply to my mom to indicate I got her text and lean against the wall to wait for Jane. She was cool. I'm really glad we befriended her family. Cathy has come out of her shell a lot since befriending Anne. Mom seems happier now that she's friends with Jane and I have Kitty who is the most awesome kid. She's shy but also really infectiously cheerful. Sure she's 4 years younger than me but she's a good friend. I look up from my phone as Jane pulls up and hop into the car.
"Hey Jane. Hey you three" I say and she smiles.
"Hey Anna. How did school go?"
"Good. I just can't wait for summer" we get back to the house and I listen to Anne and Cathy complain about some kids at school and Henry. Then to Kitty who talks about a boy who pulled her friends hair. Bullies completely suck. A lot

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