Running away and reprecussions

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Anne PoV: my mom was mad at me. Kitty broke her jewellery box and blamed me! My mom didn't even let me tell my side of the story either! It's so unfair. She loves Kitty more! Everyone does. I sit in me and Cathy's spot crying so hard that I don't even notice she's there until she pokes my knee.
"Anne? Are you okay?" She asks and I shake my head.
"No. My mom is mean. She yelled at me because of something kitty did because kitty blamed me and she believed her instead!" I sob and feel Cathy hold my hand.
"Everyone likes kitty more and nobody loves me!"
"I love you Anne! You're my best friend and I love you more than I love anyone" Cathy says and I smile a little, looking up.
"Yeah!" She says. That's when I see that she's crying.
"Are you okay?"
"My mom grounded me because Anna said I swore when I didn't" she says with a pout.
"Let's run away! Then they'll be sorry they were so mean to us!" I say and Cathy gasps but then nods.
"Okay. When will we?"
"Midnight because then nobody will see" I say with a nod.

6:30 pm. Dinner time

Jane PoV: I sigh as Anne sits slouching so much that her chin was on the table. Why did she have to be like this every time she got corrected for something? She refuses to make eye contact with kitty and rolls her eyes whenever her little sister tries to talk to her. She barely even eats her dinner despite it being dinosaur nuggets, baked beans and chips (fries) which is her favourite. She eats a little and then pushes her plate away claiming to not be hungry.
"If you're not hungry then you can go to bed" I say and she gets up.
"Fine. But one day there'll be no more me to push around and be mean to!" She says, storming off to her room.

12 hours later

"Coming! Coming!" I call, pulling on my dressing gown and walking downstairs. Someone was frantically knocking and I needed to answer it before the girls woke up.
"Mommy?" Too late. Kitty was up. Lucky Anne being able to sleep like a rock. I lift my younger daughter up into my arms and open the door. To my surprise, Catherine is standing there with Anna behind her. Both of them looking panicked.
"Jane! Is Cathy here? I went in to get her up for church and she's not in her room"
"She left this too" Anna says tearfully, handing me a piece of paper.
I don't like when you're mean to me mommy so I'm goin away until you say you won't be mean. Anna told lies when she said I said bad words. I never say bad words! I'm 8 so that's practically an adult and have money and food and pepper so I'll be okay.
Love you.
I put Kitty down and run upstairs to Anne's room. It's empty. On her bed is a hastily scribbled note.
I'm sorry mommy. But I didn't do it. Kitty didn't want to get in trouble so she blamed me. Bye. I'll be okay. I have food and pogo and money. And I'm 8! That's really grown up!
I love you mommy. Even if you made me sad.
No. No no no! I run back downstairs and show Catherine the note, helping her inside because she looked ready to collapse. We sit side by side trying to comfort each other while Anna comforts kitty who had just grasped the severity of the situation and was now sobbing. We call the police and sit in wait for them to arrive.


Anne PoV: "Anne I'm scared. Maybe we should go back now" Cathy whispers as we walk down some unfamiliar street.
"It's okay Cathy. We'll be safe. I do taekwondo! I'm super tough" I say. In reality I only started last week. I secretly am kinda scared but I don't want to upset Cathy. I have to keep her safe from mean people. I always do at school. People like Henry. Or people like the boys in the older class who are big creeps. Like Thomas who's my stinky cousin. Mean Henry is too. He said that he wants to marry Kitty. And no way is some gross ugly boy marrying my baby sister! I hold Cathy's hand tighter as it starts to snow. Of course. It was near Christmas. So of course it would snow.
"Maybe you're right. Let's go home" I say and Cathy giggles.
"You shouldn't have worn your pyjamas and flip flops Anne" she says as we start walking home. When we get back, there's police cars everywhere. A really tall one looks at us and says something into his walkie talkie before walking towards us making Cathy squeak in panic and hide behind me.
"Please sir. Don't get so close. She's really shy around new people. Especially adults" I say, holding my free hand out to stop him.
"Come on Cathy. Let's go get cookies and hot chocolate. My mom makes the best ever hot chocolate and maybe your mom will be so happy to see us that she might even make us cookies!" I say, slipping a little as I lead Cathy up the front path. We get halfway there when the door opens and our moms come running out crying. I get picked up and hugged so fast that I very nearly take Cathy up with me but her mom picking her up pulls our hands away. I start crying and hug my mom, wrapping my legs around her waist.
"I'm sorry mommy! I won't run away again!" I sob and my mom hugs me tighter.
"It's okay baby. It's okay. I'm sorry I yelled at you and didn't listen to your side of the story" she says and I sniffle, burying my face in her shoulder.
"Now. Let's get these two inside. I think hot chocolate and cookies are just what they need to warm up" Catherine says and I smile, looking at Cathy who was being held like me. We get carried inside to where Anna and kitty were asleep on the couch and I feel a little guilty when I see that they've both been crying. Me and Cathy are changed into fresh pyjamas and warm socks and tucked up on the other couch under a pile of blankets. We sit quietly watching the tv until our moms return with cookies and hot chocolate. My mom had made her super special hot chocolate. She was magical when it came to making it. And Catherine made the best cookies. We share the cookies evenly and once we eat them and have the hot chocolate, Cathy falls asleep on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her and fall asleep too.


Catherine PoV: I smile as me and Jane walk into the living room to see the girls curled up asleep together.
"I don't think they'll be waking soon. Would you like to stay here tonight?" Jane whispers and I nod, letting her bring me to the guest room.
"I'm right next door if you need anything. As always" she says and I laugh, pulling her in for a hug.
"Thanks Jane"

The next morning

Jane PoV: a full house was always fun. Especially because Anne has a cold and Kitty had slept on Anna who didn't have the heart to move for risk of waking her so the older girl ended up with a sore neck. Everyone eats breakfast and Catherine takes her girls home. About an hour later, an envelope with Anne's name drops through the letterbox. I chuckle and put it on the tray I was setting up with Anne's lunch. Soup, toast, warm milk and one of the cookies that was left over from last night. There were three left for us and me and kitty had eaten ours. As I walk up the stairs, I hear a muffled voice.
"Yeah! I really should've dressed better huh? Now I gotta have a stupid cold" I crack the door open and see Anne and Cathy communicating via tin can phones and smile.
"Hey troublemaker. It's time for lunch" I say and Anne looks up.
"Okay. Talk to you later Cathy. It's lunch time for me!" She says and I put the tray on her lap, putting a hand on her forehead.
"Hmm. Still warm. It's bedrest for you for a while" I say as she starts to eat. I sit with her and absentmindedly braid her hair. Finally she finishes and opens the envelope. Inside was a handmade card.
To Anne
I hope your cold is gone soon. I'm gonna miss getting to play outside every day. But when you're better we can make a snowman! But this time wear winter gear and proper shoes.
Get well soon best friend! Sending lots of hugs.
Anne smiles at this and picks up her side of the tincan phone.
"Cathy! Cathy!" She calls and I faintly hear Cathy replying on the other end.
"Hi Anne. Did you have a nice lunch?"
"Yeah! Thanks for your card. I love it!" Anne says. I am so getting that kid a walkie talkie set for Christmas. I get up and take the tray downstairs so Anne can have her conversation with Cathy in private.

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