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Anne PoV: Cathy was helping me make my mom a birthday cake. With rice crispies and chocolate.
"Anne are you sure you're allowed?" She says and I nod.
"Yeah! It's just rice crispies and chocolate. I just gotta put it in the fridge!" I say, dumping the mix into a cake tin and put it in the fridge. Then I get back up on the step thing to wash the bowl when my mom comes in early.
"Well well what's happening here?" She says and I scream in shock, dropping the bowl. It smashes on my feet and I fall off the step into the mess of glass.
"Anne!" My mom lifts me out and lifts Cathy over the mess too just as Anna returns from playing princesses with Kitty. I can't help but giggle. She was standing right there with sparkly kiddie makeup on her face and a tiara and tutu on.
"Want me to go get my mom?" She asks and my mom nods. Anna runs off and comes back with Catherine who was laughing. Much to the annoyance of Anna.
"That's so going on the eighteenth birthday cake!" She says and I laugh. Anna's embarrassment was immortalised!
"Catherine can you watch kitty for me? I need to get Anne to the hospital" my mom says and Catherine nods, putting a hand on kitty's shoulder.
"Jane? Can I come to keep Anne company please?" Cathy asks and my mom nods.
"Of course you can!" She says and puts me in the car with Cathy beside me. My wrist was hurting the most. I'd heard a crack when I fell but that was probably me landing in the glass. We get there and Cathy stays by my side the whole time. When I'm getting the glass removed and my legs and hands bandaged and when I get a really cool green cast on my wrist. Yeah. The hospital finally got green for their casts. Cathy is first to sign it, drawing a smiley face beside her name. My mom helps me out to the car and we stop off to get food for everyone on the way home. McDonald's! Hell yeah! When we get back, Anna is changed back to her usual clothes but now has her short dark hair in a bunch of sticky out braids that Kitty was doing. We eat and then Cathy has to go because she has to go away early in the morning. She was going to visit her grandparents all the way over in Spain. I don't want her to go. She's going away until next year. That means she'll miss Christmas! I'll have to go a whole 365 days without my best friend. No fair! And my stitches are so itchy. I had to get a bunch on the bigger cuts in my knees where these really big chunks of glass went in so deep that they were scraping the bone! It was grossly awesome.

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