Waiting 2

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Cathy PoV: I miss Anne. There's a girl next door who wants to be my friend but she's no fun. She likes makeup and jumping rope and she's also not very nice. And who needs her? I have Anna! The two of us play as much as we can without getting in trouble. I can't wait for July. We're gonna be back in time for Anne's birthday. But she doesn't know yet! Luckily we have the gate so I can walk in and it can be a bigger surprise. But July is so far away. I've been writing in my diary Anne got me. She's my best friend and she cares so much about me. I miss her so dang much.


I sigh as I lay staring at the ceiling clutching Pogo. Three months left. There's a tap on my door and my mom walks in. With an envelope.
"This came for you" she says. She was smiling. It was definitely from Anne! I thank my mom and once she leaves, I open the letter.
Hey Cathy!
Kitty's birthday was last week. We had a party. She wanted to save some cake for you and your family but we knew it wouldn't last. My mom said she could make a small cake the day before you guys get back. She was sad that she didn't get to see Anna. She says Anna is her best friend ever. It's sooo cute. I really miss you Cathy. Henry's back which is unfortunate. I got in another fight with him because he and that stupid boy in your house pushed Kitty over and she broke her arm. Luckily my mom came out and they ran scared. And not only did I lose a tooth (again!!) but I also broke my jaw! It hurts so bad. Pepper is all I have to keep myself from crying. She smells like the lavender candles your mom always has lit in your house. It's weird not having Pogo but I like having something to remind me of how good friends we are all the time. I can't wait to see you again. You're the best friend I've ever had!

In the envelope is also a drawing of us. It's so good. I grab paper and a pen and write her a letter too.

Hey Anne,
Sorry to hear Henry and that boy are so mean. I hope your jaw and kitty's arm get better soon. And Anna always talks about how Kitty is her best friend too. I have Pogo by me so I'm not sad. He smells of lilacs. Like the ones your mom always has in the hallway of your house. I really really miss you. When I get back I'm gonna ask my mom to make cookies so we can have them and milk and sit in one of our gardens. It's too bad we don't have our walkie talkies. And that my grandparents don't have WiFi. I miss hearing you talk. Thanks for the drawing by the way. It's really pretty.
See you soon

I draw a picture of us together too and put it into the envelope, walking downstairs and giving it to my mom to mail.


Church picnics were always so boring. The other girls just skip around and talk about boys and me and Anna are forced to go join in. I'd much rather throw a ball around and explore and get all muddy and Anna would too. Back home she's the star of the basketball team at school. At the school we were forced to attend here it was really traditional. Guys do sports and girls do whatever else. I like the music lessons though. Anne and Kitty both do music lessons. Anne is a really good singer. She's good at everything to do with being creative. Art. Music. She's even good at making up games. She always says how I'm good at keeping her calm and that I'm the sensible one and that I'm really good at writing too. After a while, some girls pull out a skipping rope and I'm made join in their game. So is Anna. It's the worst. I hate this!


"Anna! Anna!" I jump out of my bed and on top of Anna who groans and opens her eyes.
"Morning Cathy. What's up?"
"We're going home soon! Just one more month!" I say and she grins.
"Aw sweet. Just a few more weeks of stupid dresses!" She says and I gasp, covering her mouth.
"Shh! They'll hear!" I whisper, taking my hand away.
"Oh don't worry kiddo. They can't do anything. Mom is the only disciplinarian we have to listen to, not them" Anna says with a smile. She's right I guess. Mom is the only one allowed discipline us. There's the sound of footsteps and I roll off of Anna, jumping back into my own bed. Just on time. Grandma pokes her head in and looks at us.
"Tut tut. Catherine. Playing with stuffed toys at your age? And one so tattered too?" She says, looking at Pogo who was by my side.
"He's my friends. She gave him to me so I wouldn't miss her too much" I say and she sighs, walking away. I roll my eyes and look at pogo. He was a bit well loved. But still cute. One eye was different to the other because Anne chewed it off as a baby. One ear was different for the exact same reason. He had a patch on his head too. Anne said it was because she'd dropped him while in the kitchen and a really sharp knife fell on him. Anne was always there to make me laugh. Ever since that day she moved into her house.


It was the day of Anne's birthday. Jane had made sure to keep Anne in the back garden so she wouldn't see us pulling in. Once we do, I scramble out of the car and Anna has to catch me.
"Get changed first" she whispers and I nod, changing into overalls and a blue T-shirt and converse with my favourite blue cap and sunglasses. I'd gotten Anne her gift. She always liked my converse so I got her green ones. I put on my watch and necklace and run downstairs. It was finally time to see my best friend again.

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