That's what friends are for

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Anne PoV: I could hear my mom talking to Catherine outside. She was talking about how they were transferring some of the nurses. No! If mom got transferred then that meant we'd need to move away! I don't want to! Kitty was over at some kids house for a play date so I was safe enough to creep outside and hide in me and Cathy's spot to cry, only looking up when a hand reached through and grabbed mine.
"Anne? Is it true?" She whispers and I shrug.
"I don't know. I don't want to move away"
"My moms law firm is trying to transfer people to other places too"
"Oh Cathy! We can't be split up. Why are people so mean? Why can't they let our moms stay where they are?" I whisper, starting to cry harder.
"I..I don't wanna move away"
"Then let's run away and only come back when the big bosses let our moms stay!"
"Anne we aren't running away again. Remember last time?"
"Yeah. But it's August now. So it's not too cold. Besides, we're nine. Practically adults! But I do feel kinda mean running away. I felt mean last time because we made our sisters cry" I say just as a car pulls up and a man gets out. My moms boss!
"That's my moms boss" I whisper, holding back a sob. There's the sound of a phone ringing and everyone's talking. Then my moms boss leaves.
"Time to prepare for the worst" I whisper, looking at Cathy. My best friend. My second sister.
"I'll meet you back here later?" She whispers and I nod, squeezing her hand and heading back inside. My mom was making lunch.
"There you are. I was just about to go see if you were outside...Anne! What's wrong with my little lamb?" She gets me sitting on the couch and sits beside me, rubbing my back.
"I don't wanna move away. I heard you talking to Catherine"
"We aren't moving lamb. Neither are they. In fact, we both got asked to stay here permanently. And we both also got promotions" she says and I gasp
"For real?!"
"Really for real" she takes me into the bathroom, washes my face and gives me a hug, rubbing my back.
"There's no need to fret my little lamb. We won't be going anywhere anytime soon. All six of us are staying right here" she says and I smile.
"Can I go play outside? I promised Cathy we'd meet in our spot again"
"Go on. I'll call you for lunch"
"Thanks mom. I love you" I say, hugging her as tight as I can.
"I love you too lamb" she says and I smile, running outside and diving into the bushes.
"You heard the news?" Cathy was smiling.
"Yeah! Nothing can break us apart. Ever!" I say, grabbing her hand through the hole. I was so scared that we would be split up and turns out I didn't have to be. Suddenly I hear a door open and my mom calling me.
"Oh! Gotta go! See you later Cathy!" I say, smiling at her and running up to the house.
"Hello my lambie leaf locks" my mom chuckles, picking leaves out of my hair. "Now. Let's go eat. I made your favourite. Dino nuggets and baked beans" she says and I whoop, running into the kitchen.
"You're the best mom!" I call, sitting down and starting to eat. My mom is the best cook ever! And when I'm done, there's a muffin because my mom made some! It's chocolate chip too. My favourite. Then Kitty comes home and has food too. While she eats, I wander outside and see Cathy playing with Anna in their garden.
"Hi Anne!" Anna says when she sees me, helping me get the gate open so that I can join them.

A few days later

"Just be safe okay Kitty cat?" I watch my mom from the car. Kitty was going to a birthday party. So mom was taking me out for the day because we don't get much time together. Between her working and Kitty still technically being a little kid. And also her being really tired a lot. Deep down, I'd prefer just us staying home watching a movie but my mom was really excited at the idea of a day out. I need to get working on my knight costume for Halloween anyways. Even if it is nowhere near October, I wanna be ready. And Anna's birthday is coming up. So we're getting some stuff for her. Seeing as she always gets us stuff for our birthdays.

A few hours later

We were sitting in a hospital waiting room after collecting Kitty from the party. Why? Because Henry pushed Cathy and she fell in front of a car that didn't stop on time. I don't want her to die! My mom holds me close while I cry into her shoulder. I was crying so hard I didn't even hear Catherine and Anna coming out.


Jane PoV: "she's okay. She just has a slight concussion, a sore back and a broken leg. But she's completely okay. Want to come see her?" Catherine whispers and I nod, standing up and lifting a sobbing Anne into my arms. Kitty looks at me and then runs over to Anna, grabbing her hand.
"Hey. Anne she's okay" Catherine says gently, rubbing Anne's back. Anne sniffles and looks at her with wide eyes.
"Sh..she is?"
"Yeah. She's just a little hurt that's all. Nothing time can't fix. But yeah. She's fine!" Anna says and Anne smiles, wriggling out of my arms and holding my hand instead. She's first to go into the room, her smile growing when she sees Cathy sitting up in bed and smiling at her.
"Cathy! You're okay!"
"Yeah I am. I just hurt my head and my leg. And my back too" I smile as Anne sits on the chair beside her bed and the four girls engage in a deep conversation about their Halloween costume plans.


Catherine PoV: "But I have to be in a wheelchair for the next while. It won't be fun" Cathy was saying, looking a little upset.
"As your knight I will make it my duty to help you in any way I can. Because that's what knights do. And what friends are for" Anne says and Anna nods.
"Yeah and when you get too much for Anne, I'll push you" she says and Cathy smiles.
"Me too!" Kitty chimes in with a smile.
"Though it does look like you guys won't be hiding in bushes or playing any wild games for a while" Anna jokes and Anne smiles.
"That's okay. We can do other things right Cathy? We can read together and throw a ball if it doesn't hurt you too much. And I can push you along and we can talk. And I can kick Henry's butt" she says and me and Jane laugh.
"And I'll help" Anna and Kitty day in unison.
"And we can draw too. You're really good at drawing Cathy" Anne says and Cathy smiles.
"You really think so?"

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