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A few years later

Anne PoV: me and Cathy have been friends for nine whole years now. She's turning fifteen today which is super exciting. Anna is seventeen soon and is now in high school. We're starting at her school pretty soon though. And little kitkat is thirteen. And she's acting like she's an adult already. We were going shopping and then for a meal. All six of us. I'm also happy to admit I have a little bit of a crush on Cathy. I was waiting in the bushes when suddenly she comes face to face with me. And wow. She looked so pretty. Her hair was down and hanging around her face and she had makeup on. Clearly Catherine had helped with it. Anna hates makeup.
"I knew you'd be here" she says and I smile, handing her the present I'd gotten her. Earrings and a framed photo of us as kids.
"Happy birthday Cathy!"
"Aw thanks Anne!" I smile as she opens it and immediately takes out her earrings to put the new ones in.
"I'll be right back" she says, hopping up and running inside, coming back a few seconds later and handing me a cookie.
"My Mom just baked these and said we could have some. Anna and Kitty got some too. They're in my garden" she says as we eat the cookies. Once we're done, my mom and Catherine both come outside. It was time to go at last. We walk to the shops and me and Cathy go off by ourselves. So do Anna and Kitty.
"Oh this is so cute even if it is a dress" Cathy says, holding up a blue dress and smiling.
"Go try it on!" I say and she grins, dragging me to the dressing room with her. I wait outside while she changes and scroll through Instagram.
"Anne? Does this look okay?" Cathy says, standing at the door to the cubicle thing. I look up and gasp.
"Wow! Cathy that dress looks awesome!" I say and she blushes.
"Yeah! You've gotta get it. It's like it was made for you" I say and she giggles, stepping back into the cubicle and changing into her usual clothes, stepping out with the dress in her arms. I pick up some stuff for myself including a leather jacket and a new hoodie. We walk around for a little and then I see Cathy looking at a milkshake stall and smile, pulling her over and getting us both milkshakes. We sit side by side on a bench talking and sipping our drinks, having a laugh about everything.
"Hey...Cathy can I admit something?" Anne says, suddenly becoming nervous.
"Yeah! What's up?"
"I..I um...I'm bi" she says quietly and I grin, pulling her into a hug.
"I'm so happy you felt comfortable with telling me Anne!" I say and she relaxes, hugging me back.
"Thanks for not reacting badly and being accepting"
"I will accept you no matter what" I whisper and she sighs happily.


Anne PoV: I'm so glad I told Cathy. She's my absolute most best friend in the entire world. We finish our milkshakes and do a bit more shopping before it's time to head home. My mom tells me and Kitty to stay inside so I face time Cathy to chat to her.
"I wonder why our moms aren't letting us go outside. Or look outside" I say and she shrugs. Too bad she had the basement room. She'd moved from her usual room because she wanted more space.
"Hopefully we get to find out soon. Being indoors when it's nice out sucks!" She says and I nod. We keep chatting for a while and then we hear our names being called. We both grin and then cut off the call. I get outside at the same time as her to find that there was a tent set up in my garden. And a bbq in Cathy's.
"Whoa. We haven't been camping since the dads incident" I say and Cathy nods. I can still remember everything about that. Including being abandoned at a rest stop. At least I had Cathy with me.


Catherine PoV: It's scary really. My baby is fifteen already. She'll be off to highschool before I know it. Anna's already getting so grown up. It's scary. She's in highschool already. My babies aren't babies anymore. I watch as the girls sit together on the grass talking and look at Jane with a smile.
"Seems like only yesterday they were playing that game they made up huh?"
"Yeah. Where did the time go huh?" She says with a smile. The girls had become as close as sisters by this point and were inseparable. We finish cooking and the girls come and get their food, deep in conversation.
"Ugh I just don't want to have to deal with Henry again this year" Anne grumbles. Apparently Henry had been held back two years because he was doing so badly. Meaning Anne and Cathy now had to deal with him instead of Anna having to.


Jane PoV: I chuckle at my older daughters annoyance of having to put up with Henry and pat the top of her head.
"Don't bother with him" I whisper and she nods, eating a bite of her hot dog with a grin. She was staying over at Cathy's so I was planning a girls night with Kitty.

Later that night

I smile as I sit down with a bowl of popcorn after delivering snacks to the girls. We had more grass which is why we had the tent in our garden. Catherine had a patio area with a decking and the other stuff took up a lot of space. But nonetheless, it was a gorgeous garden. I'd been wanting to do something with ours now that Kitty had grown out of using her playhouse and the girls only really used the trampoline. I sit beside Kitty with the popcorn and pull my little one close. We were having a Disney marathon and she was pretty excited about it and soon became engrossed.

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