Chase Vanders: The Last Vander To Attend

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(Up there is music to listen to while reading)

Chase looked outside his bedroom window gloomily. Chase was an average heighted boy with black wavy hair. Tomorrow, he was going to be turning 11. His sisters had told him about Hogwarts, & how you got accepted at 11. He had not yet gotten his letter, & was feeling rather disappointed. His sisters had already gotten their letter a week before, & Chase was starting to think he was a Squib. He would have been the last in his family to attend Hogwarts, School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry, but it seemed the last was Caitlyn. It was 6:00 pm, & he thought he might as well go to bed then rather bear the embarrassment. Just as he was about to close his eyes, Cara & Caitlyn came rushing in. Cara was tall, with shoulder length black hair that had beach waves flowing through. Caitlyn was a little on the shorter side, with long, flowing, straight black hair that was tucked into a high ponytail. "So, are you excited?" Asked Caitlyn as she hopped on his bed. "What do you mean?" Chase asked, confused. " I haven't got my letter yet." " You think, sucker." Replied Cara, now joining them on the bed. She ruffled her hand through Chase's hair. " You underestimate yourself, don't you?" Caitlyn asked. Chase looked shyly down onto his pillow. Just as he was about to reply, Mom was calling them down for dinner. "That's our call." Cara remarked. All 3 of them headed downstairs. Just as Chase set his foot down on the 1st floor, an Owl came swooping in from an open window. Chase's heart was thumping fast with excitement. "My Owl's here!" He thought. Dad came running down & caught the letter the Owl had just dropped. Dad had hair just like Chase's, with the same bit that dropped down at the front. "It's here!" Said Mom. She was a little shorter then Dad. Mom's hair came a little lower then her chest line, still with blazing black colour. It was straight at the top, & as it went down there were curls. "Told you so." Whispered Cara in Chase's ear. She gave him a wink. Chase smiled. Caitlyn was watching & gave Chase a smile. And before they knew it, they were all smiling. They finally got interrupted by the sounds of Mom ripping up the envelope. "Lets read." She read the letter out loud.

Dear Mr. Vanders,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of necessary books & equipment.

Term begins September 1st. We await your Owl no longer then July 31st.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva Mcgonagall


Chase's heart fluttered with excitement. He was not a Squib after all. His thoughts were interrupted by Cara. "Guess we'll be going to Diagon Alley tomorrow." She stated. "We would've gone anyways. We haven't got your stuff either." Dad added. Tomorrow? Chase thought. Tomorrow was his Birthday. Caitlyn caught his eye. "Not tomorrow. It's Chase's Birthday." Chase took a deep breath. "Of course." Mom reassured. As Chase headed into his bed, he had a bright grin plastered on his face. This was going to be the best Birthday of his life.


When Chase opened his eyes the next morning, he had his Family surrounding him. " Whoa!" Chase jumped back and hit his head on the head of the bed. "Ouch!" Screamed Chase, rubbing his head. "Is this how you're supposed to start your Birthday?" Caitlyn asked. Chase laughed. "Happy Birthday!" His Family chorused. "Thanks!" He exclaimed. He got up & started hugging his Family members. Chase couldn't stop smiling. He was going to Hogwarts & it was his Birthday!


The Family went to Hogesmade to celebrate. They went to Honeydukes, & bought a bigger version of a Cauldron Cake with Licorice Sticks for candles. Then they went to the Three Broomsticks & ordered 5 Butterbeers along with a Big Jug to go. Then, Cara asked Chase what he wanted for his Birthday. "So, what do you want?" They were passing Quality Quidditch Supplies. "Can I get a new Broom?" He asked. "Sure!" Replied Dad. They headed inside. Chase looked around. There was a Firebolt 1008 on display. "Could I get one of those?" Chase was trembling with excitement. "Of course." Answered Mom. They bought the Broom & headed outside. Then, they went to Zonko's Joke Shop & bought some Dungbombs, Sugar Quills & Hiccough Sweets. Then they headed home.


As they were getting into bed, Caitlyn muttered, "Tomorrow we'll be going to Diagon Alley."  

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