Chase Vanders: Petrification

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"Mom!" Dad! What are you doing here?" Chase was screaming. Mom & Dad were standing in the entrance hall, arms wide open. "Here to meet the Golden 6 & you guys." Mom replied. "But, parents at Hogwarts?" Asked Cara. "Well, yeah, unless we look like kids." Joked Dad. "You guys are missing the point! The Golden 6! Here at Hogwarts!" Pointed out Caitlyn. "Well, one of them is already here." Added Chase. "Professor Longbottom." Advised Cara. "Well, suppose we should get going. Class is starting soon." Commented Cara. "Bye guys!" Yelled Chase. Off they went to classes.


"MOM! DAD! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM!" Cara was screaming at the top of her lungs. Before her, were her parents. Lying down on the floor, looking as though they were dead. "Ms. Vanders ,they are simply petrified." Replied Professor Mcgonagall. "Simply! Looks like they're dead!" Snapped Cara. "Ar-are they ok?" Stammered Chase. "Once the Mandrakes are ready, yes. Replied Professor Sprout. "Who would do such a thing? It couldn't just be an accident." Pointed out Cara. "Well that, is a mystery you'll have to solve, my friend." Came a mystic voice. "Professor Assaina! Our new deputy Headmistress!" Exclaimed Professor Mcgonagall. "Well thank you, Professor Mcgonagall." Professor Assaina replied. "Good thing it happened to them." Smirked Filch. "YEAH, I BET YOU DID IT!" Shouted Cara. "Calm down!" Yelled Professor Mcgonagall. "A mystery to be solved kids, like Professor Assaina said." She added.


"A mystery to be solved, hey?" Asked Cara. It was after classes. They were discussing the days bizarre events. "It was obviously Filch." Replied Chase. "How was Filch supposed to do it? He's a Squib!" Pointed out Caitlyn. "But if he did it without magic?" Asked Chase. "Petrification can only be done by a form of magic." Replied Caitlyn. "Well then if it's not Filch"... Cara shot a dirty look at Caitlyn. "What? There's no possible explanation for the fact that it could be him!" Defended Cailtlyn. "But why is he at Hogwarts then? Squibs aren't allowed to come here." Informed Chase. "YEAH, because it was a punishment!" Revealed Caitlyn. "Punishment?" Chorused Chase & Caitlyn. "Yeah!" Confirmed Caitlyn. "Well, tell us already!" Commanded Cara. "Well Filch was a Half-blood. His Mom was a Half-blood, she had a Witch Mom & Muggle Dad. Filch's Dad was a Muggle-born. So, he had 3 Family members that were Magical, 3 that were not. But the Non-magical 3 were ok with Magic, so he was surrounded by it. Those 6 were all the Family he had. He was an only child, so were his Parents, & so were his Grandparents. It's kinda been like that for a little less then a Century, give or take. He was really excited to come to Hogwarts, so when he found out he was a Squib, it was more than a bummer. He suddenly became really jealous of Witches & Wizards, especially of Muggle-borns. They had no Magical family but they still had Magic. Believe it or not, Filch was really nice before this. It kinda made him, well, bad. So he started attacking Witches & Wizards. Especially kids. So his punishment was basically surrounding himself with the 2 things he hates: kids & Magic. I guess he was happy when Mom & Dad were Petrified because they're Muggle- Born." Told Caitlyn. "How do you know all this?" Asked Chase. "He told me." Replied Caitlyn. "If not Filch, then who?" Asked Chase. "Don't you think it's all connected? Mom & Dad's Petrification, them meeting The Golden 6, & that weird dream that Cara had?" He added. "Yeah! Why didn't we think of that before?" Replied Caitlyn. "But how? There's something missing." Enquired Cara. "I have a feeling it's a person." Advised Caitlyn. "The same person who Petrified Mom & Dad." She added. "How about the dream?" Asked Cara. "Dreams are made of jumbled up memories. You didn't have a memory of anything like that." Replied Caitlyn. "Well, we should probably go get dinner." Interrupted Chase. "Yeah, he's right." Replied Cara. They headed into the Great Hall.

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