Cara Vanders: The Dream

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(Up there is music to listen to while reading)  

A lady with a black handbag, short black wavy hair, a seafoam green business dress, a turquoise beret & black leather boots was hurriedly walking down the lane of what looked like a Muggle Village. Shops with names like "Apple Iphone Store" & "Sobeys" were big and grand, unlike Diagon Alley's squished and cozy ones. She was clutching her handbag very closely now, as if there was something secret in it. For a flash second, a man with long, lime green robes passed by her. She immediately turned back & started following him. While saying things like "Excuse me" or "Sorry" with an angelic voice as she was squishing through Muggles going the opposite direction, she made sure she didn't lose track of the man. Slowly, she started coming into a clearing, with fewer and fewer muggles. At last, she came across a dead end. A red brick wall with rusty edges. There, standing in front of her, was the man she was hunting down. They shook hands. "My name is Nitika Thompson." Introduced the Woman. "My name is Rishi Wells." Replied the Man. He also had black hair, his lime green robes, & white Muggle sneakers underneath. "Are you here for...the Memory Exchange?" Asked Thompson. "I'm afraid I am." Replied Wells. "I'll go first." Stated Thompson. She finally opened up her handbag. She pulled out a Cypress Wand & touched it to her forehead. A silvery whisp came out. She held out her wand. Wells took his wand & touched it to Thompson's. The silvey whisp came into his wand and he touched it on his head. The silvery whisp had vanished. Then, Wells repeated the process. He took his wand, the silvery whisp came, he touched his Wand to Thompson's, & Thopson touched her Wand to her head. Once again, the whisp had vanished. There was a zoom in on Thompson's head. Then, played the memory that Wells had given to her. The sky was dark & cloudy. Lightning was striking. There were screams & shouts in the background. People were lying on the floor, & people were leaning over them. You couldn't see the people's faces, it was just their silhouettes. Then, there was a familiar voice. "Please, someone help me find my daughter." Said Mom. "Someone, please!" She was now begging. "Please, someone help me find Cara. Cara! Cara!" She yelled.

Cara woke up, panting. Beads of sweat had appeared on her forehead. It was the night before the first day of term. Realizing it was just a dream, she started to lie back down. She knew it sounded weird, but she knew that dream was real, just somehow. Fully lying down now, she started to close her eyes. But as she was trying to go to sleep, flashes of the dream kept coming into her brain. She gave her head a big slap in hope to get rid of the dream's memory. Somehow, it had worked. She closed her eyes, giving a big sigh, & went to sleep.


Cara woke up, stretching & yawning. The first day of term had finally arrived. She was planning to tell Caitlyn, Chase, Kyrene, Brittany & whatever friend Chase made about her weird but interesting dream, but on the Hogwarts Express. "Cara! Cara! Over here!" Chase was screaming at the top of his lungs. "What is it Chase?" Replied Cara, also screaming. "Have you seen Hermione?" he was still screaming. "Mom said she was going to let her out for the night before the train ride!" Cara saw Caitlyn covering her ears. Cara laughed. In from the window, came swooping in Hermione. Cara's own Owl, Jade, gave a loud hoot from her cage. Caitlyn's Owl, Levi, also gave a hoot. Mom was calling them downstairs. They carried their trunks downstairs. "If only we could do magic." Muttered Caitlyn. They got into their Muggle car, which was an Acura. They headed to Kings Cross Station. 

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