Caitlyn Vanders: A Somewhat Peaceful Summer

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Caitlyn was lying in her bed like a starfish. Brittany, Kyrene & James had just arrived. Brittany would be sleeping in her room with her, & was currently unpacking her clothes. The radio was booming from Caitlyn's desk. "Uh, Brittany dear, you have a call!" It was Mom calling Brittany down. "Coming, Mrs. Vanders!" Exclaimed Brittany, & she hopped downstairs. Caitlyn lay there, still listening to the radio. "The Assassin's Curse has shown no move since last week, when it terrorized an old Muggle lady." The host informed. Cara came into the room. "Caitlyn, why are you listening to the radio?" She asked. "We don't have to do our homework, we finished it you know?" She added. "Cara, you know what I'm doing." Acknowledged Caitlyn. "Yeah, I know, but Mom & Dad don't." Cara whispered. "Fine." Growled Cailyn. Cara turned off the radio for her. "It's so crazy, right?" Asked Cara. "I guess it really is." Replied Caitlyn. "Caitlyn! Caitlyn!" Brittany was running up the stairs. "You have to get Cara!" She exclaimed. "Cara's right here!" Replied Caitlyn. "Wonder what it is." Muttered Cara. "Cara! Caitlyn! My goodness!" Cried Brittany. "What is it?" Asked Caitlyn. "It's a long story, but ok." Sighed Brittany. "Brittany, Mom & Dad were playing Quidditch." Mom is a little doubtful that it's more of a dangerous sport. You see, she's a Muggle, but Dad taught her how to play. Anyways, they were playing, & Tasmin broke her leg. Tasmin has gotten little scars & bruises, Mom's ok with those, but she kinda went crazy when Tasmin broke her leg. So, she banned Tasmin from playing on the team. At first, Tasmin couldn't play Quidditch for the rest of her life, but then Tasmin & Dad did a lot of convincing. So Tasmin can't play on the School Quidditch team for her remaining time at Hogwarts. They need a new Captain." Explained Brittany. "Wait, are you saying, that they NEED A NEW QUIDDITCH CAPTAIN?" Cara's words became louder & louder as she spoke. "Yeah, basically." Confirmed Brittany. "When did this happen? Asked Caitlyn. "Just now." Replied Brittany. "Too bad for Tasmin. She could've won us a Quidditch Cup." Empathized Caitlyn. Last year, because of The Assassin's Curse, the Cup was canceled. "Guys, Mr. Vanders is calling us down! It's time for lunch!" Kyrene was calling them down. "Let's go!" Advised Cara. They headed down. 


An extravagant feast was set up. Turkey legs with Plum Sauce, fried potatoes, freshly squeezed orange juice, & bagels with cream cheese spread on them. "Yum!" Exclaimed James as he took a bite into a turkey leg. "Mom, this is delicious!" Praised Chase. "Mhm!" Added Cara with a full mouth. "Glad you liked it!" Replied Mom. Suddenly, an Owl came swooping through the chimney. It rushed into the dining room, & wacked Cara in the face while dropping a letter on her plate. "What the?" Questioned Cara. The letter had a stamp with a Lion, Badger, Eagle, & Snake. It was the Hogwarts Crest. "Could it be?" Wondered Caitlyn. "Let's find out." Replied Cara. She ripped open the envelope. She read out loud:

Dear Ms. Vanders,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected as the latest Gryffindor Quidditch Captain. Season begins November 5th, tryouts November 1st. Pre-tryouts are October 30th. We are anticipating to see your skills as a Captain on the pitch. This role is permanent during your remaining time at Hogwarts, unless informed. If you feel you do not want to continue this role, at the beginning of each season, we will check in with you. This responsibility is mandatory for one season at least.

Enjoy this leadership while time lasts,

Minerva Mcgonagall


Caitlyn was so happy for Cara! "Yes!" Exclaimed Cara! "Congratulations my girl!" Replied Dad. "Thanks!" Cara was shouting all her words.


Everyone was stuffed from the feast. Soon, Cara pulled Caitlyn into her room. "Is James into Quidditch?" Asked Cara. "I dunno, but I'll go ask." Replied Caitlyn. She headed into Chase's room, where James was sitting down. "James, do you play Quidditch?" She asked. "I play, but not in front of crowds." He replied. "So you wouldn't be trying out for the Quidditch team?" She confirmed. "" He acknowledged. James was now looking quite shy. "It's ok." Comforted Caitlyn, now joining him on the bed. She hesitated, & put her arm around his shoulder. He did the same. "Hug it out?" Awkwardly asked James. "Sure." Replied Caitlyn. They hugged. "We're playing Quidditch for celebration. If no one will be playing. Wanna come?" Asked Caitlyn. "Sure." Replied James. They headed into the yard.

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