Diagon Alley

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(Up there is music to listen to while reading)

Chase woke up the next morning, feeling rather excited. He had been to Diagon Alley before but this felt rather special. After all, whenever he went to Diagon Alley before it was to get Cara & Caitlyn's supplies. Now they were going to get his supplies too. But, then Caitlyn interrupted his thoughts. "Chase, why don't you read your list?" She handed it to him.

First Years Will Require:


Tree sets of plain work Robes (Black), 1 plain pointed hat (Black) for day wear.


The Standard Book Of Spells, Grade 1, By Miranda Goshawk. A History Of Magic, By Bathilda Bagshot. Magical Theory, By Adalbert Waffling. A Beginners Guide To Transfiguration, By Emeric Switch. One Thousand Magical Herbs & Fungi, By Phyllida Spore. Magical Drafts & Potions, By Arsenius Jigger. Fantastic Beasts & Where To Find Them, By Newt Schamander. The Dark Forces: A Guide To Self Protection, By Quentin Trimble.

Other Equipment:

1 Wand, 1 Cauldron (Pewter, Standard Size 2), 1 Set of Glass or Crystal Phials, 1 Telescope, 1 set of Brass Scales.

Students may bring an Owl, Cat , Or Toad.

Parents are reminded that first years are not allowed their own Broomsticks.

Chase's smile turned into a frown. He could not take his new Firebolt 1008 to Hogwarts. But, he could take his Owl that he got last year, Hermione. Chase had named Hermione after the current Minister Of Magic, Hermione Granger. Hermione Granger was also part of the Golden Trio who saved the world from You Know Who. But, Chase set his mind away from that. They were now going to Diagon Alley.


Chase was begging. "Mom, can we please go to Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes?" Caitlyn joined in. "Yeah Mom, please!" Cara added to the conversation. "Come on Mom, we haven't gone since last year when we came to get our stuff!" But Mom wasn't going to let in so easily. "We just went to Zunko's yesterday! You kids don't get to buy stuff everyday!" Cara was a strong fighter. "Mom! Are you really comparing Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes & Zunko's! This year I can go to Hogsemade, & if I wanted Zunko's I could buy stuff from there all the time! But Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes is so much better & we only get to come to Diagon Alley once a year! Come on Mom, please!" Mom was ready to give in. "Fine but we're getting you lot nothing until Christmas." "Yay!" The kids chorused. They headed into Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. And that's when all of their jaws dropped & they stood still like statues. There, standing in front of them, was standing The Golden Trio. Harry Potter, Head Of Magical Law Enforcement , Hermione Granger, Minister Of Magic, & Ronald Weasley, Co-owner of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes. Standing beside there, was the other Co-owner of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes, George Weasley. Chase had heard about how George's twin brother, who also started this shop, Fred had sadly died. These thoughts snapped Chase back into reality. He went and shook hands with all of them. When he came to Hermione, he told her something. "I named my Owl after you." He stuttered. "Well thank you! That's such an honor!" She replied. After Chase, Caitlyn, & Cara shook everyone's hands, Mom & Dad went to The Golden Trio & whispered something in their ear. Then they whispered something back. "Well, see you at Hogwarts then!" Shouted Dad to them. "See you too!" Replied Ron. See you at Hogwarts? Chase thought. Why would Mom, Dad, & The Golden Trio Come to Hogwarts? But his thoughts were interrupted by Cara saying that they were going to go look around. Chase followed.


They bought their supplies & headed home. Chase looked at his new wand. It was Chestnut, Unicorn Hair. All the Vanders had very interesting combinations. Mom had Ebony, Dragon Heartstring. Dad had Fir, Phoenix Feather. Cara had Red Oak, Dragon Heartstring. Caitlyn had Pear, Phoenix Feather. He was told by Mr. Olivander that his Family was full of wonderful Wizards & their Wands were just as brilliant. "The Wand Chooses The Wizard." He had said as he had waved his Chestnut Wand & wind whirled around him, them slowly floating like a gentle wave. Cara had told him about how she had to try about 10 Wands before she had the right one. But Caitlyn had said that her Wand was the first one she tried. Chase laughed at the thought. His sisters got along great, but they were complete opposites. Cara was sporty, hot tempered, & was (weirdly) very talented at the Fine Arts. Caitlyn, on the other hand, was booky & smart. She was calm, and quiet. She had told Chase about how she had almost been sorted into Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw last year. But the Sorting Hat let go on the fact that she was a Vanders & the fact that all Vanders were Gryffindors. He had also found quite a lot of Courage inside her. Cara, on the other hand, had been sorted into Gryffindor the second the hat touched her head. Chase wondered what house he would be sorted in. He hoped he would be in Gryffindor, along with his Family. Chase yawned. He thought he should go to bed now. He put his Wand on his night stand & closed his eyes. He immediately fell asleep.

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