Suspecting With Alice Longbottom

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"Chase!" A soulful voice was calling. Chase was sitting in the Gryffindor Common room. The voice belonged to Alice Longbottom, Professor Longbottom's daughter. Alice's  curly, black hair came to her shoulders. Alice was a Gryffindor girl in Cara's year, & she had a Hufflepuff brother named Frank that was in Chase's. "Alice!" shouted back Chase. "I'm so sorry about your parents!" She empathized. "Thanks. I bet your Dad is working on it." Replied Chase. Alice blushed. Then, she leaned closer to him & whispered something in his ear. "I want to help." Chase was confused for a fraction of a second, but then he understood. "Of course. Do you have a hint of who it was?" Inquired Chase. "No, not yet." Replied Alice. Suddenly there was a loud bang. Alice & Chase both looked at the portrait door. The sound seemed to be coming from outside. A sudden thought came to Chase's head. The Golden 6?
"WE MADE IT!" Ron Weasley was shouting while shaking Harry Potter. "Ronald Weasley!" Hermione Granger was now storming up to him, & suddenly started hitting him with her purse. "We've-been-through-so-much-yet-you-think-that-if-we-
made-it-here-that-would-be-a-miracle?" She enumerated while continuing to hit him. "Hermione! Calm down! Kids!" Warned Harry. Hermione suddenly stopped as she glanced around the corridor, full of shocked students. "Ummmm..." Stuttered Ginny Weasley. "Hello students!" Exclaimed Luna Lovegood. Storming out of a classroom, Professor Longbottom was now present in the scene. There before them, was The Golden 6. "Chase! Alice!" Whispered a voice. It was Cara. "What's going on?" Asked Caitlyn. She had now arrived as well. "Quidditch practice." Explained Caitlyn. "Students! May I have your attention?" Professor Longbottom was trying to get everyone to focus. Cara, Caitlyn, Chase, & Alice immediately shot their eyes towards him. "As some of you may know, we are known as The Golden 6. My name is Harry Potter, Head Of Magical Law Enforcement. Introduced Harry. They went down the line. "Hermione Granger, Minister Of Magic." "Ronald Weasley, Co-owner of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes." "Ginny Weasley, Retired Chaser of the Holyhead Harpies & Editor of the Sports pages at The Daily Prophet." "Luna Lovegood, Wizarding Naturalist." "You all know me, of course. Neville Longbottom, Herbology Professor at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft & Wizardry." Finished Professor Longbottom. "Now, you're all probably wondering why we're all here." Stated Ron. "Unfortunately, we can only tell that to the following students: Cara, Caitlyn & Chase Vanders. Also, Kyrene Miller, Brittany Deverill, James Turner, & Alice Longbottom." Announced Hermione. Chase glanced at the others. Where were Kyrene, Brittany & James? Then, with a snap of fingers, they appeared beside The Golden 6. "Woah!" Exclaimed Chase. "If the other 4 could meet us at break, that would be wonderful." Persisted Professor Longbottom. "Too du lu!" Quipped Luna. They were off.

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