Caitlyn Vanders: The Need Of Ravenclaws

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"We need a test." Suggested Emma. They were back from the Hospital Wing. The Hufflepuffs had volunteered themselves to help, but how were they going to get Ravenclaws? "But how are we supposed to get access to that?" Asked Matthew. "Flitwick." Replied Kevin. "A test we give to Flitwick to distribute! Perfect Kevin!" Replied Cara.


They had gotten many replies for the test. The 12 were very impressed with Zara & Veronica Fawley, & Liam Anderson. They immediately called them to The Room Of Requirement. They explained everything, & they immediately agreed. Caitlyn was suddenly getting confused on who was who, & made a chart on everyone's years, houses, & names.

Names, Houses, & Years

1st- Gryffindor



1st- Hufflepuff



1st- Ravenclaw


2nd- Gryffindor



2nd- Hufflepuff


2nd- Ravenclaw


3rd- Gryffindor




3rd- Hufflepuff



3rd- Ravenclaw


"Ah. that's better." Sighed Caitlyn. It was late in the night. Brittany, Avolia, & the other girls Caitlyn shared a dorm with were all asleep. Caitlyn was using a new invention, called a Speakable Book. Kyrene was taking Muggle Studies this year, & told her that Muggles had invented this a long time ago, named an Audiobook. But Caitlyn was happy that Wizards had inherited this invention, so she had access to it. She was listening to The Tales Of Beedle The Bard. It was a collection of Wizarding fairy tales. Her favourite, which she was currently listening to, was The Fountain Of Fair Fortune. A thought interrupted her. She immediately pressed the "pause" button & looked around the room. The thought had nothing to do with Tales Of Beedle The Bard or The Fountain Of Fair Fortune. Were the Ravenclaws replacing her? Her quick mind had always been so special & rare in the group, but now there were three more of her? She was the type of person that people would think was an immediate Ravenclaw, but she was a unique Gryffindor. Were they taking that uniqueness away? Cara had said the Ravenclaws were for when she wasn't around, but wouldn't they still be there when she was? Was this it, the moment she was going to get kicked out for being different?

A slap, unconsciousness, sudden explosions in the background, blood, screams. Brittany's handprint was still visible on Caitlyn's cheek. How Brittany read her mind, Caitlyn did not know, but Brittany was screaming on top of the ruckus in the background. "First of all, how could you think you would be replaced? Second, this weird green mist is terrorizing people. It's causing explosions too, & I heard someone blew up." Announced Brittany. "CAITLYN! BRITTANY! HOLY COW! KYRENE! ARE YOU A WITCH OR NOT! CHASE YOU BUCKHEAD BONZO! JAMES! HOW DARE YOU! YOU REALIZE WHAT'S GOING ON! ALICE HANNAH LONGBOTTOM! ARE YOU IN YOUR RIGHT MIND! EMMA! GET-BACK-HERE-NOW!  ROSA! DO YOU WANT TO BLOW UP! FRANK NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM! WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL YOUR DAD IF YOU DIE? I'M THE OLDEST HERE, YOU KNOW? THEREFORE, THE MOST RESPONSIBLE! KEVIN! MATTHEW! DUMB DUMBS! PSYCHOS! WHY? I ASK WHY? ZARA & VERONICA FAWLEY! DIDN'T YOUR MOTHER TEACH YOU MAGICAL SAFETY? LIAM ANDERSON! AND YOU SAY YOU'RE IN RAVENCLAW!" Cara was shouting left & right to everyone in the crew. For a fraction of a second, Caitlyn wondered why people from different Years, Genders & Houses were in the Second Year Gryffindor Girls Dormitories, but she let go. A deep voice was laughing maniacally & was delivering a dark message. "THIS, IS THE BEGINNING TO THE ASSASSIN'S CURSE. A CURSE YOUNG VOLDEMORT ACCIDENTLY DESTINED TO RETURN, ALMOST A CENTURY LATER. IT IS DEADLY, THIS CURSE, FOR THIS COMMON ROOM COULD BE A GRAVEYARD SOON ENOUGH. THIS SAMPLE WILL ONLY LAST 1 MINUTE MORE, SO TRY TO SURVIVE. ONE IN THIS ROOM, HAS SEEN THIS BEFORE. HER NAME IS, CARA VANDERS." Cara? What? But then it hit Caitlyn. That bizarre dream that Cara had. This was it. They now had a fifth piece. They also found a connection between this piece and 1 more. The dream. This, all of a sudden seemed so weird. "CAITLYN! NO!" Caitlyn had stepped away just in time. Exploding green mist missed Caitlyn by centimetres, a toad sniffed some of it & was as dead as a doornail.


What a crazy day. Thought Caitlyn. The investigation was stirring, yet they didn't know that someone untrustworthy was listening to every peep they made, & it was the person you would least expect. Talk about plot twists. But the real question was, was it really a person?

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