Chase Vanders: All Is Revealed

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Professor Assaina was standing in the Headmaster's chair. Chase had a lot of hatred towards her. "The girl! She's bleeding!" Professor Mcgonagall had rushed into the room with Professor Longbottom, screaming. Her Wand was holding up an unconscious Cara, blood streaming down her face. "Well, we've got to take her to Hannah." Stated Professor Longbottom. "Alice, Frank, could you go let your Mom know?" He added. "Wait!" Caitlyn had signified for Alice & Frank to stop in half steps. "Ms. Vanders, is there something wrong?" Asked Professor Mcgonagall. "I can heal her. I have a healer's kit. I know my stuff." Caitlyn persisted. Professor Mcgonagall hesitated. "Very well. But keep in mind, I am also trusting you because she is your sister." She declared. Caitlyn simply opened her hands, & a grey briefcase appeared in them. Chase was amazed yet again, even though he had seen her do this many times.She opened the briefcase. Many powders & flasks were displayed. Caitlyn took some white powder from the biggest container, & sprinkled it on top of Cara.


After Cara's wounds were healed, Cara immediately woke up. "Wha- what's going on?" She stuttered. "ENOUGH! ENOUGH HAPPINESS!" Assaina had finally said something. She had all eyes on her. "Yeah, we get it, we forgot about you." Taunted Kyrene. "Why?" Asked Chase. "Why did you do it? He repeated. "Well, now isn't that an interesting story." She started. (Far, far, away, a humble narrator announced that it really was, looking at the fact that it was being told.) "Well, spill the beans." Insisted Cara. "I'm in no mood for long stories, so let's get this over with. I am the Assassin's Curse." Revealed Assaina. Silence filled the room. Nothing was making sense to Chase. Nada. Zilch. Assaina, the Assassin's Curse itself? "I can see that you are all confused out of your little brains, so I will go more in depth. I am not a human being. I am simply a puff of green smoke that can do great damages. Once again, I am the Assassin's Curse." Assaina informed. "But you still haven't told us why." Declared Matthew. The Vanders were going to go view the memory of The Assassin's Curse in Ms. Thompson's brain, with The Golden 6. I was going to petrify all 8 of them, but to find The Golden 6 hadn't arrived yet, I just did the Vanders. My master, the Curse, ordered me to petrify them. My master knew that if any of them got to work, we wouldn't stand a chance. Now I see the next generation is going to handle it. Wow." Explained Assaina. "How about Travers?" Asked Liam. The Assassin's Curse is gathering recruits. Mr. Travers volunteered." She replied. "I don't believe you." Informed Caitlyn. "Here. I'll show you." Snapped Assaina. Before, was Assaina, with a blond blunt cut, purple, slim, knee length dress, with black flats. The next second, she was gone. In place of her, was a green puff of smoke. Slowly, the smoke transformed back into Assaina, part by part. Everyone was clearly astonished, including Caitlyn. Why didn't we just throw her in Azkaban already? The thought had just made it to Chase's head, when all of a sudden, Assaina was firing Hexes & Curses all around the room. Chase had just noticed that it wasn't just the 18, Professor Longbottom & Mcgonagall in the room. In fact,it looked like the whole school, including the staff. They were splitted among the house tables, & seemed to be eating food. Was it already dinner? Thought Chase. Amongst the crowd, seated at the Slytherin table, Chase could see Travers. Her ego full face was now full of fear. Her lip was trembling, her hair out of place. Chase noticed she looked more scared then others. It was probably because of her dad, she was afraid she would get punished along with him. Chase felt bad for her. Just a little bit. She hadn't actually done anything bad. She was now chewing on her corkscrew hair. Travers screamed. A blue jet was firing towards her. Chase leaped into action. He must have pushed 5 people in the process, but he shot across the room. He was inches away from where Travers was sitting. Chase didn't hesitate. "Protego!" Chase pointed at the jet. It was millimetres away from Travers. The blue jet stopped where it was, & faded into thin air.  Travers murmured an angry thanks. Chase looked around. Everyone had their wands out, left right & centre. It was Hogwarts vs Assaina. 1 vs all. Everyone was stressing. Chase gained eye contact with Cara, Caitlyn, Kyrene, Brittany, & James. They had to stop this. The Original 6. Just like The Golden 6. The 6 huddled. "We need a plan." Informed Cara. "What could we do?" Asked James. "We need to take her down at once. One spell." Replied Caitlyn. "What spell?" Asked Brittany. "Stupefy." Answered Kyrene. "We should do this from different angles." Advised Chase. "Right." Replied Cara. "Let's do this." Motivated Brittany. "Go Team!" They all exclaimed. They were off. They cornered Assaina from afar.

"STUPEFY!" They shouted. Assaina went back, crashing into the wall. There was happy shouting in the background. They had done it. They had won.

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