Cara Vanders: Mission Accomplished With A Lifelong Protection

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Cara was taking her year end Charms exams. The question was in front of her: What is the difference between Lumos, & Lumos Maxima? Cara was searching her brain. Then it hit her. Lumos Maxima is a stronger Lumos charm! She wrote the answer down. Lumos Maxima is a stronger Lumos charm. "Ms. Vanders, you are excused." Cara looked up from her parchment. It was Professor Flitwick. "Someone is waiting outside for you." He explained. My lucky day! Thought Cara. She got out of her seat, & headed towards the door. When she got out, there was a familiar face. It was the girl from her dream, Nitika Thompson, along with the man, Rishi Wells. Then, were the 2 faces she yearned to see were in front of her. Mom & Dad! They were ok! She jumped into a hug. "Mom! Dad! You're back!" She exclaimed."Yes, we are, my Cara." Replied Mom. "How about Caitlyn & Chase?" Cara asked. "They've already met your parents." Replied Wells. "I've seen both of you. In a dream." Informed Cara. "We know." Replied Thompson. "We just wanted you to meet your parents, & tell you something. You have completed whatever work you were supposed to do. We thank you for that. You, your siblings, & friends have really gone above our expectations." Acknowledged Wells. "You will always be protected by the Seer's Tribe. For your whole life. The Seer's Tribe is an organization we have formed against the curse. We have an instinct that this will become bigger then others expect. I have a feeling, soon you will be old enough to join. But for now, continue to make your contributions through Hogwarts. The Seer's Tribe will always be there for you." Added Thompson. "Thanks guys. I really appreciate it." Replied Cara. "Your welcome." Informed Wells. "So, you better get back to your exams missy." Joked Dad. "If you insist." Replied Cara. She headed back to class.


It was the last day of school. Cara was in the line to Hogsmeade Station, where the Hogwarts Express was waiting. She had told the crew about everything Wells & Thompson had said, & they were feeling more comfortable. She sighed. It was the best year ever. A voice interrupted her. "I just wanted to thank you." It was Travers. Cara was surprised. "You know, for defeating the bad guys & all that." Cara was now in shock. "Just because you said that, doesn't mean we're friends again, right?" Clarified Cara. "Of course Vanders! Why would I want to be friends with you? Such a dummy!" Snapped back Travers. Back to normal. Thought Cara. Hoot Hoot! It was loading time. Starting with First Years, followed by Second & so on, they got into the Hogwarts Express. Cara found a compartment with the crew. "Bizzare year!" Exclaimed Brittany. "Yeah, never knew being Best Friends with a Vanders would have such a big impact." James remarked. They all laughed. It was as if a big weight had been lifted off Cara's shoulders. Next year, she could start attending the Triwizard Ball. It had been tradition since the Second Wizarding War. In the Triwizard Tournament, there was the Yule Ball. You had to be in at least your 4th Year to attend, unless you were a plus one. Since the Triwizard Tournament stopped happening again, they wanted to keep the ball. So, every year, to honour Harry Potter's bravery in the Tournament, they hold a ball just like Yule, called the Triwizard. It was just like the Yule Ball. They made sure it would be. Cara was unsure who to take as her plus one. . At first she thought she would take Caitlyn or Chase, since they wouldn't be old enough. But then she realized that the other would feel left out. But she figured she would leave that all for next year. Besides, she had a whole Summer ahead of her.  "Stop it!" It was Alice. Cara hadn't noticed she had come in the compartment. Apparently, she was being teased. "Come on, admit it." Demanded Kyrene. "Yeah, we all know the truth!" Pushed James. "Fine!" Surrendered Alice. "I tried out to be a Triwizard dancer. I don't know if I got the honour, I have to wait until next year. But who doesn't want to dance with Fraser Reyes & Fabian Morgan?" Alice spilled her heart out. The boy dancers are auditioned for in first term, & they found out in second. Coincidentally, they were the 2 most popular boys in school. Fraser was a Ravenclaw, & Fabian was a Gryffindor. Rumor was, that they were step brothers. So, Alice had auditioned in third term to be one of the females. There were 2 boys, 2 girls. "So, here we have it folks." Giggled Cara. "Who do you like better? Fraser or Fabian?" Asked Chase. "Fraser, I guess." Replied Alice. She was now as red as her sweater.  "She likes the Ravenclaw!" Beamed Caitlyn. "Don't go abandoning us Gryffindors for a smarty pants." Quipped Kyrene. "Yeah, don't let love get the best of you." Added Cara. They all laughed. "Can we talk about something else already?" Requested Alice. "Sure." Comforted Brittany. "Let's not make anyone uncomfortable." Added Caitlyn. Then, the most uncomfortable thing that could happen, rushed to them. The thought questioning if they would survive this? The hoot of the Hogwarts Express, signaling that they had arrived at Kings Cross, & knowing that the year was over, they unloaded. "We still have that plan about Kyrene, Brittany & James coming to our place during the last week of Summer?" Asked Chase. "Yeah." Replied Caitlyn. Last minute hugs, saying "See you in August", & warm good byes. After seeing Mom & Dad on the platform, Cara rushed towards them. What a wonderful year it had been. Cara still had that scar from Assaina. Little did she know, this was really just the beginning, & this tale would go further then her Hogwarts years.

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