Cara Vanders: The Plot Of The Past

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Cara always wondered how her parents knew The Golden 6. Her parents were older, looking at the fact that they already had kids, so they couldn't have met at school. Whenever Cara would ask, they would make up some excuse on why they had to leave the conversation. Caitlyn had told her that whenever someone's feet were pointing outwards, they wanted to end the conversation. That's how Cara knew that they were really excuses, not coincidences. She wondered if it was meant to be kept a secret forever, or if it would be revealed one day.

"Hello? Anyone there?" Kyrene's voice had interrupted Cara's thoughts. "Oh, yeah sorry." Murmured Cara. they were finding new suspects & leads. "Could you tell us your opinion now?" Asked Caitlyn impatiently. "What if... there's something we don't know? What if there's a 4th piece? What if it has something to do with our parents' past? What if, to figure out anything, we need that missing piece? What if it's meant to be kept a secret for this very reason? What if we need to know the relationship between our parents & The Golden 6 to crack the code?" Cara had spilled her heart out. " an amazing theory." Expressed Alice. "The fact that the only thing The Golden 6 said to us during break was that they were going to pull us out of class some time was interesting." Stated James. "Conclusion: we need to talk to The Golden 6."


It was Herbology class. They were making Baneberry juice. "Now, you've gotta remember to remove it slowly. After that, don't forget to cut it. Relashio! Then, squeeze." Instructed Professor Longbottom. With a wave of his Wand, the instructions appeared on the board. Cara took her Baneberry plant & slowly removed it from the pot. Immediately, she cast the splitting Charm. Relashio! The red Strawberry looking plant cut in half. Then, with all her might, squeezed. Ruby red juice came pouring out of both the halves into her flask. "Well done Ms. Vanders!" Congratulated Professor Longbottom. "Ms. Miller on the other hand-. Professor Longbottom stopped talking. Professor Flitwick was standing in front of him, signaling him to go. "Ms. Vanders, Ms. Miller, Alice follow me." He ordered. He took them to the 7th floor, & beside the tapestry of Barnabas The Barmy. He closed his eyes, & muttered "we need to meet the others" several times before brown doors appeared. He opened the doors, & Cara saw who the others were. The Golden 6, Cailtlyn, Brittany, Chase, & James were all standing there. "It's time to tell you everything you need to know."


It was like unfinished business? Asked Alice. "Precisely." Replied Hermione. "You know enough, better continue on with your classes." Suggested Ron. They had figured out almost everything about her parents' past, what better was it now?  "If you guys need any place to work on it, use the Room Of Requirement. The room we're in. I've told you how to get in." Advised Hermione. "Wonderful." Replied Alice.


"We need people from different houses. Hufflepuff first." Suggested Kyrene. "Wonderful." Replied Caitlyn.

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