Nitika Thompson: The Seer's Tribe

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(Up there is some music to listen to while reading)

"The old lady was right." Clarified Wells. "How did we figure that out again?" Asked Thompson. "Chloe & Chris told us about their daughter, Cara, having the dream. She is the 'Seer's Child". Replied Wells. "You're so forgetful, Thompson." Commented Edward Lupin, who was better known as Teddy. "Just like your Mother." Added Harry Potter. Everyone went silent. "Sorry about that." Muttered Harry. "It's all right, Harry." Replied Hermione Granger. "We all miss the ones who have left us." She added. "Just like my brother." Muttered Bill Weasley. "Can we stop talking about death?" Asked Victorie Weasley. "Yes, Victorie is right." Replied Fleur Weasley. Her English had improved over the years. "Anyways, this is like Voldemort all over again." Stated Ron Weasley. "Come to think of it, it kinda is." Replied Hermione. "Boy, are we gonna like this again." Pointed out Harry Sarcastically. "Hey! Don't make fun of it!" Snapped Ginny Weasley. "Hey, calm down everyone." Interjected Thompson. "Anyways, where are Chloe & Chris? Have they apparated to Hogwarts yet? If they have, Me, Ron, Luna & Harry should probably get going too." Stated Hermione.  "They sent an Owl that said that they would leave at 7:00 pm sharp." Replied Wells. "Sounds great!" Replied Luna Lovegood. "Neville will meet us there, right?" Asked Ron. "Of course he will, he's a Professor now!" Replied Hermione hastily. Harry laughed. "Well, look at the time. It's 6:30. You guys want to get going?" Asked Teddy. "We really should." Replied Harry. "Especially if we want to get there first." Joked Ron. "Bye everyone!" Added Hermione. With a loud crack, they were off.

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