Quidditch Tryouts

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(Up there is some music to listen to while reading)

Caitlyn woke up the next morning, excited. Quidditch Tryouts were today. She had received news from Cara that her & Kyrene had done the pre-tryouts that all the Players that were on last year did, & they got in. So that meant that there were 2 Chasers. oIt was a Saturday, it was very unlikely for the term to start on a Friday. Tryouts were at 11:00, & it was 10:06. The Captain was Brittany's older Sister, Tasmin. Tasmin was only in her 4th year, but she was an excellent Seeker. Nothing on her, but Brittany was not a good Quidditch player. At least, when she was trying. Whenever they played Quidditch, Brittany did not succeed at playing any position. But whenever she is distracted or lost in thoughts, Caitlyn could swear she was the second best player she knew to Cara. One time, she was trying Keeper & Mom had called for dinner, & at the same time Cara had shot the Quaffle. Her Broomstick whacked the Quaffle away, hitting Cara back in the face. Caitlyn laughed at the thought. She was interrupted by one of her roommates, Avolia Shacklebolt. "Something funny?" She asked. "Hope I didn't embarrass myself." She added. "No, nothing about you." Replied Caitlyn. "Anyways, are you going to try out for the Quidditch Team?" Asked Avolia. "Yeah, probably for Beater." Caitlyn replied. "Really? I didn't see you much as a Beater. In fact, I didn't see you much as a Quidditch person at all." Avolia commented. "Are you going to try out?" Asked Caitlyn, ignoring the comment. "For Chaser! Avolia replied enthusiastically. "My Sister & her Best Friend are Chasers." Caitlyn commented. "We should get ready. It's almost time." Replied Avolia.
Quidditch tryouts went great. Caitlyn had stopped the Bludger from hitting fellow Chasers 17 times, & did not let them get hit once. She hit the Bludger at the other team 15 times, not missing once. Later that day, there was a new sheet on the Gryffindor notice board.

Gryffindor Quidditch Team

Positions & Players
Chaser 1
Cara Vanders
Chaser 2
Kyrene Miller
Chaser 3
Avolia Shacklebolt
Beater 1
Caitlyn Vanders
Beater 2
Lewis Abbot
Calvin Baneydee
Tasmin Deverill

Caitlyn couldn't help but smile. She had made the team! She thought about her on her Nimbus 3002, soaring across the Quidditch field. A Bludger was about to hit Kyrene, Caitlyn took her Beater's Bat & whacked the Bludger back, hitting the opposite team's Keeper. Caitlyn snapped back into reality. Brittany was coming over to congratulate her. "You made the team! I'm so happy for you!" Congratulated Brittany. "Thanks!" Replied Caitlyn. "Look at our latest Quidditch Vander!" Cara was rushing through the crowd. "Thanks!" Replied Caitlyn. "What do you mean by Thanks?" She asked. "Er...you complimented me." Replied Caitlyn. "Our latest Gryffindor Beater!" Boasted Kyrene. "Tasmin loved you!" She added. "Really?" Asked Caitlyn. "She did!" Assured Cara. "All right, I believe you." Replied Caitlyn. They all laughed.

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