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I played the final tune. That sounded good, but not good enough to be on my track. I looked over at the picture of my mother, father, sister, and brother. They were all gone. It was an old picture that was taken right before my brother and parents deaths. They died in a car crash. My sister was the one driving, she didn't die though. But I was there with Hiro and Tadashi playing ball in the field next to our families hang out place. I remember me being the first one to see it happen, and me running to the car. Me about to go inside of the car but being pulled back. I tried to get away from who ever was holding me back. I screamed and cried. I finally broke free and ran to my mother and father and brother. "Kai...I-I- I love you." My brother, Ashton told me. My dad told me to be strong. My mother just said "be the star you know you are." My sister, Elisia escaped the car before it went down in flames. The ambulance soon came and took them all away. I was left on my tire swing. Years passed since the death. I was 8 when my sister had enough of life. She was my caregiver, my mother, the only family I had left. She had anxiety and depression at its worst. She blamed herself for the death. I remember one night waking up to the sound of grunts and dripping noises. I waled down the creaky stairs and into the kitchen. My sister lay dead on the floor with cuts all over her and pills everywhere and a razor in her hand. I screamed bloody murder. (The Hamadas lived next to us) I remember everything. The view, the sounds, the smells. Everything. I was anorexic and depressed. The Hamadas took me in and I lived in a spare room. I had my art room in the basement(dancing, singing, musician). I didn't hurt myself or anything like that. But I got better. Way better. I was eating way more, and started thinking happily. I wasn't anorexic or depressed anymore. And with that I graduated high school at 13 with Hiro. I went to this one college and I had a dance major and musical major and a nursing major. I had lots of scholarships. But I got kicked out because I beat up someone. Now don't go thinking.."What is wrong with her? She beat someone up?!?" No, somebody called one of my closest friends, Luke gay and punched him in the face. I told him(Finn, the bully) to back off and even if he was gay there would be nothing wrong with it and then he tried to punch me but I grabbed his wrist, twisted it so he fell down, kicked the place where all men are weak, and pulled him up by his shirt and said "next time come see me before you wanna mess with him!" Yeah... Apparently the college didn't like self-defense. So I recently tried out to get into Hiro and Tadashi's college, SFIT. For the same majors of course. A knock interrupted me. "Kai? Are you decent?" I laughed "yes." Hiro came in. "A-are you crying?" I touched my tear stained cheek. "Oh... Yeah I guess I am....." "Why?" He sat down next to me. "Oh I was just thinking of my past years with the Elisia's suicide.... To the fight..... Just everything." I spoke. "Hey.." He cooed and put his arm around me. "It's going to be okay...thank god your safe." I smiled. "Yeah I guess you right. Thanks Hiro." "....not to kill the moment or anything but are you ready for your surprise?" I giggled. "Yes sir!" "You have to be blindfolded....." "Seriously?!?" "Yup!" "Errrgggaaahhh!!" He blindfolded me and led me up the stairs. "And so then I was like, booyyy!!! HIRO!!" I fell for the third time. "KAI HAILEY SMITH!!!! You are so clumsy!" "Sowy potato!" Finally we were out of the basement and...... "SURPRISE!!!!!"

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