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I love this school so much! Everyone was so nice! Except for Mr. Lenncaster, he's a mean grumpy old man. After last period, Lab with Hiro, Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, and Gogo was dance which was across the street from the school so it worked out perfectly. "Meet you at the old oak tree after dance okay?" Hiro asked over the phone as I was walking across the street. "Yup! Bye love you!" "Love you too!" I hung up and put my phone in my bag. I walked to the old oak tree where I kept my dance stuff at. There was a small girl crying under it. I walked up to her. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked. "I can't find my mommy." She sobbed. "I'll help you find her, okay?" She nodded. She wanted me to sit down, so I did. "Can you sing to me?" She asked as she crawled into my lap. She was only like 2ft smaller then me. She looked at me with teary eyes.
"Are you coming are you coming to the tree where they strung up a man they say who murdered three strange things to happen here no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.
Are you are you coming to the tree where a dead man called out for his love to flee strange things did happen here no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.
Are you are you coming to the tree where I told you to run so we'd both be free strange things did happen here no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.
Are you are you coming to the tree wear a necklace of hope side-by-side with me strange things did happen here no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree.
Are you are you coming to the tree where I told you to run so we both be free strange things did happen here no stranger would it be if we met at midnight in the hanging tree." I sang. It was a lullaby that my mother would sing to me when I was upset or angry or stressed. I looked down at the strange little girl in my arms sleeping. A woman in her early 30s came over crying. "LILYANNE!" She screamed. "MOMMY!" The young girl in my arms screamed. She jumped in her mothers arms. And the walked off. I checked my phone for the time. "4:30?!?" I'm going to be late for dance! I hurried and grabbed my dance bag and rushed to the studio. I ran in and went in the back to the locker room so I could get changed. Today was contemporary, so I wore a crop top that said "1989" on it and booty shorts with high socks. I walked into the dance room. "Hey Kori!" (My dance instructor) "Good afternoon Kai. Wanna stretch us out today?" She asked. "Sure!" I pranced into the front of the room. We stretched for about 20 minutes. Then we did improv. It was my turn and I did an improv to Say Something. I love improv so Frik Frakin much! You be perfectly imperfect and nobody would notice! Then we started to learn a combo. Today's combo was......... SKINNY LOVE😍🎉😍!!!!! It was a short combo but totally worth it. "Alright everyone! Have a great Chrostmas! See you next year! You are dismissed." The team and I walked to our locker room. "So was it ball change then shastae or shastae then ball change?" A girl names Candice in our class asked Ivy. "Shastae then ball change." "Okay got it!" I slipped on my converse and a jacket. "Bye Kai!" I've and Candice cheered. "Peace!" I walked out of the studio and went to the old oak tree. I waited and waited. No Hiro or anybody. So to spare the time I practice the combo. After that still nobody. I text Hiro.
ME: Hey! Where are you?
HIRO: Sorry! I was getting something for us to eat! I'll be there soon.
ME: How soon is soon?
HIRO: 15 minutes.
ME: Okay
So to spare the time I climbed the tree there was a thick branch stick out of the tree. I sat down on it. The ruff thick bark scratched against my legs. But I didn't care. I saw Hiro coming down the street. Time to play an old joke on the old oak tree!!! He canes right under me and sat down the food. "Kai?" I swung my body down while my legs kept a hold on the branch. "BOO!" He looked up not frightened at all. "Hey Kai." He said casually. "What?!? That didn't scare you?!?"
"CATCH ME!" I called as my legs unwrapped from the tree. "WHA-!?!" He caught me, yes, but he should've caught him self too. We fell down on the grass. I looked at him and started laughing. After like a minute he started laughing too. This went on for a long time. Just laughing. I rolled around on the grass because I was laughing so hard! After we got ourselves together we decided it was time to eat. We munched on our chicken in silence as we listened to birds sing and cars pass by until Hiro started talking. "So how was dance?" He asked. "Great. But have you heard of a girl named Lilyanne? She's like 2 feet shorter then me and has shirt blonde hair blue eyes and like 7 years old?" I asked taking another bite of my chicken. "No, why?" "Well I came here to get my bag for dance in exchange for my school bag and she was here crying. She lost her mother. And she wanted me to sing to her and I did. I sang her the lullaby my mom used to sing me-" "the hanging tree?" I nodded. "And she fell asleep in my lap when her mom came." I finished. "But the strange thing was that her mom didn't even glance at me. She walked away like I want even there. "How rude of her." He joked.
"Anyways" I rolled my eyes. "What restaurant did you go to?"
"It says on the box, and bag."
"Oh." Pei Wei. "Cool."
"Have you figured out why Ashton attacked you this morning?"
"No, but I know that wasn't Ashton."
"When I looked in his eyes, it wasn't warm and kind and loving. It was cold and scary and evil, like he was some animal and I was his prey."
"Do you think he's a clone?"
"Doubt it. But he's probably under some stimulation."
"Or a clone." I rolled my eyes.
"Or a clone." We laughed.

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