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Hey guys so that is what I imagined Kaiya to look like! Except with brown hair and blue and green eyes! That's the outfit she wore a couple days ago I think it was... But anyways a lot of things will be revealed in this chapter so be prepared to get your socks knocked off your feet!!!!!
Holy crap, my brother is alive. "Ashton!!!!" I screamed and hugged him so tight I think he might explode-wait, too soon. "H-hey kiddo?" He questioned. I felt another pair of arms around me, Hiro's. "Who are you two?" He asked. "Ashton, it's me! KAI! Your sister! Remember me?!? And remember Hiro? Tadashi's little brother?" "Kai...? Hiro...? You guys are alive!" He hugged us, tighter then ever. "The doctor, he-he told me everyone died, you, Elisia, mother, father, Hiro, Tadashi. But you guys are alive!" Ashton exclaimed. "Well, Ashton, everyone except for Hiro and I are... Gone." I choked. A tear streamed down Hiro's face, I wiped it and hugged him. "It's okay Hiro." "What happened?" Ashton asked. "Hiro are you going to be okay?" He nodded and held my hand. "See, there was a fire. And well, Tadashi went in to save someone... And he never made it out." I sniffed. This is a very emotional subject. "Hiro, I'm so sorry." Ashton hugged him and held out his fist. They fist bumped and did the like explosion thing at the end. "I'm just glad I didn't lose you, too, Kai." I smiled and blushed. I remember everything, the kiss, the promise, the crying. The fact that I couldn't save Tadashi made my stomach churn into knots. I guess Hiro could see this he squeezed my hand tight and kissed my cheek. Ashton perked up. "Wait! W-a-?!?" "Oh man I'm so stupid!" I face palmed. "I guess I should tell you that me and Hiro are a thing." "I owe Tadashi $20." He laughed. They were betting on our relationship?!? "Seriously?" "You guys bet on our relationship status?" "Yeah..." Me and Hiro just shrugged it off. "This is Disney, my girl-" she wasn't there anymore. "ANYWAYS! Tell me everything." We all went downstairs to my room and sat down on the wooden floor. "You've really taken your career seriously haven't you?" "I'm kinda famous for it." I laughed. "Oh, okay so what went on in your lives?!?" We told him everything. From the hospital to Blake attacking us to SFIT to my new friends. Ashton looked confused. "What? What's wrong?" "Its just that we never had a brother. I'm the only boy in the family, besides dad. And I would know because I'm the oldest." "WHAT?!?" Me and Hiro said in unison. "I ALMOST KILLED A STRANGER?!?" I screamed. "Shhh! You can't say things like that I front of Aunt Cass! Remember what happened last time?!?" Hehe I do remember. "What? You killed who?" Aunt Cass asked from upstairs. "VIDEO GAMES!" Ashton covered up for us. I "fainted" onto Hiro's lap. "Anyways... If he's not your brother, KAI, then who is he?" "I don't know! Ashton do you...?"
"No. But I bet who does."
"How would Luke know anything about-"
"He has a brother he never mentioned to us. Ever." This is disturbing. I grabbed my phone and dialed the digits. He picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Hi Luke, it's me Kaiya." "Hey rockstar!" "Hellurr. What's your brothers name?" "Blake?" "What does he look like?!?" "Green eyes, tall, strongly built, annoying. And yeah. Why?" "Is he in jail right now?!?" "Yeah..." "Your brother has killed Tadashi, My mother, my father, my sister, and now is after my loved ones!" I screamed. "Why would he do that?" "I don't know!" "Then stop assuming things, KAI and just be mine. Wait what I mean!!!" " No! I'm sorry I'm taken. But he is the one!" "How do you know?!?" He's mad. "I'll find out tonight okay Luke?" "Bye liar." "Shut up." I hung up the phone and grabbed my coat. "Where you going?" Hiro grabbed my hood and pulled me back. "To talk to Blake." "No." "I have to!" "No you don't Kaiya." Aston added. "Ugh! Can't I do anything?!?" I plopped down on the bed. The boys just smiled. Oh well. I'm seeing him tonight. I just have to. I NEED answers. And the only way I'm going to get them,
Is to see Blake.

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