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Kai was smiling so much. She loved the room! She stopped smiling and waterfalls of tears were pouring down her face. "Kai! Are you okay?" I wrapped my arms around her. She ran to the picture she valued most. With blood stains covering everyone's faces and it all torn up. She took the picture and read the not on the back. She dropped the picture and screamed while crouching down on her knees. Everyone was comforting her. I read the note. "Hello Kai. I am your brother, Blake. I just wanted to say I was the one who killed your parents and sister. I ditched the family so I could this. I have recently killed a man my age named Tadashi. Now I'm going after all your loved ones. If you want to save them meet me at the alley on 54th street. Nobody around, just you. Can't wait to see you Kaiya Hailey Smith."

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